Chapter 4 Isolated

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"Open up, open up. Breaking. Breaking what? Look a bunny! Hahaha. What is this place? So.... Thirsty. Food, of you get out you can eat like a king. A king, be a king." The voices in Michael's head said.

"Ah! Ah let me out!" He shouted as he through his tied up body against the padded door. To him it was as if the world had began to turn upsidedown. He tried to push his face into the plush wall so he would stop breathing. He kicked at the air and bit at the floor thinking it was the door. He heard more things, the sound of a wolf animal stalking him in a jungle.

He fell over and rolled onto his back. Slowly opening his mouth he let out a long "Ah...." sound and began to start panting. The room seemed as if it had become a room of endless spiraling pain for his brain. Michael looked at the white jacket that held him in confinement. His face filled with the look of anger and stress. The voices in his head told him what to do, he smiled and began to cry. Backing up to the other side of the room, he rested his head in the corner as his back leaned against the wall. He looked at the other was and gasped for air and as he took a finally breath he dashed to the other wall. He slammed his arm into it, the plan the voice told him to do didn't work. As a reaction to the plans failed he tried again and again and continued to ram his left arm into the wall.

"Faster! Go faster, break it! You have to. Come on, feel the pain, make it crack! Destroy it and get free, be free and be with the mask." The voices chanted over and over.

Michael constantly screamed as his arm was injured more and more. Then it happened, after so much time painfully passed the snap happened. Michael gripped his teeth together as the dislocated shoulder sent nerves throughout his body telling him that there was something wrong with it. He fell to his knees and shoved his shoulder to the ground, trying to put pressure onto the injury.

"Outside, outside. Need to be outside." Michael told himself. What was outside, everything.

Greg and Deven went to a fast food place for lunch. And are there food in Greg's car parked in the parckinglot facing the buissy street. As they finnished there burgers Greg said, "So I'll have to go back to work a t sometime soon, you'll be ok at my place until they stop looking for you."

"Greg do you hear yourself?" Deven asked him and he was realizing the flaw in what he said as she continued. "Greg, there always going to be looking for me and if they stop I can't just come back to work one day." Deven said as she put her hand on her forehead. Greg could obviously see she was stressed out. Greg ran his hand through his hair and then out on the steering wheel. He began to back out backthe car and they drove away.

At the holding place of Michael a doctor had come to visit him and examin his health. "Hello Michael, I'm Dr. Rommo. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I... Um, where am I? I can't remember a lot. I'm hungry and thirsty." Michael stated. Michael felt the sweat begin to form on his face. He felt like if he didn't answer the questions good enough he would be stuck in here forever. The doctor quickly took notice of the red stains on Michael's left shoulder.

"Michael can you tell me what happened to your shoulder?" Dr Rommo asked. Michael quickly slung out his dislocated arm first and followed by his other arm. With his right arm he punched the doctor over and the one guard who was inside the isolation cell. The guard pushed Michael over and Michael dug his teeth into the guard's leg. The guard kicked Michael over. Michael staggered up and put the guard in a head lock and shoved him against the doctor who was trying to get up. After he had pushed the guard and doctor over he quickly dashed out of the door. There were more guards he would have to fight through.

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