Chapter 5 Way We Fall

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As Greg drove back to his house Deven began to fall asleep. As she closed her eyes she felt a sudden rush of pressure shiver through her body and heard a clashing sound. She opened her eyes to see the window next to her and front window smashed to shards. They were stopped in the middle of a street and half of Gregory's body was sloched outside of the broken window in front of her. She looked outside of the car next to her to see a dark blue van that had crashed into them. Deven then realized that she couldn't feel the right side of her body, she looked to see her arm smeared in glimoring red blood. It was also splashed over her legs and After she saw that she slowly closed her eyes and passed out.

Gregory woke up on a hospital bed, he had his arm bandaged up. He slowly and sleepily turned his head to see Deven wasn't next to him. "Deven?" He asked as he looked around the white room. There was a painting on the wall left to him and there was a door with a window a few feet in front of his view.

After what felt like some hours passing a doctor came into the room. "Hi, I'm Dr. Melaz, now do you remember your name?" He asked.

"Yeah... My name is Gregory Brown. I put a stop to that big case thing." He groaned and then asked, "Where's Deven, the girl that was with me?"

"Don't worry she's safe, she's in another room." Dr. Melaz told him. Greg rested his head on the pillow behind him and answered a few more of the doctor's questions.

Not everyone was safe and sound in a nice bed being taken care of by a doctor, Michael was still on the run. He had escaped the confinement center and was still in pain from breaking his shoulder out of place.
He looked around and ran to a where he thought a forrest was. Michael could feel adrenalin pumping through out his mortal body.

The phone ever so ringing, a phone ringing that was ment for Greg but he was vastly asleep in the hospital bed. When he awoke he looked at his phone that was placed on a table next to him. The office had called him it had seemed, so he called them back.
"Hi, yes it's me Greg speaking. He did, when? How could he have done that? But it was a prison place ment to keep people like him locked away. I understand, mhm, look you should know I'm in recovery at the moment I can't really work." He went back and forth with the officer on the other line talking about how Michael had escaped for quite some time when finally the person at the other line said more new news.

"You did? Yes, yes she was. Well I found her and I was taking her to you. Yes that's what happened, are you really questioning me! I am calm. Look is she ok, what's going on with her?" Gregory asked trying to find out what they had done with Deven and the fact that they found her in his car.

He found out that they had taken her from the hospital and but her into there custity, soon to be taken by the FIB. Gregory moved himself out from the bed and stood on the cold white marble floor with his bare feet. It felt odd to walk again, it was as if his legs weren't there and instead he was flouting above the hospital floor. He slid on his gray shirt and his blue jeens followed by his shoes. He began to walk through the hospital hallways not sure what way would get him out side. Every turn became an annoying sign of clarification that he was lost. Two times he heard footsteps coming from somewhere and hid inside of a room untill the sound of walking vanished from his ears. After walking some more he found a door to the parking lot.

He looked around and saw that the parking lot was inclosed by a fenc and had a booth waiting at the entrance and exit. Greg ran behind an empty food truck and started to climb the fenc. When Gregory got to the top of the fenc he could see a person step out of the booth and begin to walk to him. Greg jumped off into the other side, landing on his back and groaning as he got up looked around. He was now in a more grassy area that had a path that looked like it entered a park. He brushed the dirt off his legs and butt, now he could feel his legs again and they hurt. He stumbled about until he found a street with cars zooming from left and right with little stop. Greg waited for the red light then dashed across the traffic to get to the other side. After an hour of walking and running he got to places that looked like places he had been to before.

"Ok, finally I'm getting somewhere." He said to himself. The thought of Deven was still staining his thoughts. What would they do to her, where would they take her. It didn't seem fair to Greg, they told her to try the mask on and she isn't a danger. Another hour passed as he got to his house. He didn't have his keys on him or anything, so he picked up a rock and smashed it in one of his kitchen windows. He kicked the rest of the glass that hadn't broke and some of the wooden fraiming. He stepped in, his foot going into the sink and once his full body was inside he stepped out on to the floor. Greg looked around the house looking for the mask untill he found it. In his head he thought that if he went to get Deven out they wouldn't listen but maybe he could get her out with a trade.

He got the keys for his second car, a red sports car and drive to the station as fast as he could with the mask in his pocket. On the drive there night began to reveal it's darkness to the sky, the stars and streetlights showed him the way through the dark. Greg got felt sick, his stumick turning at every red light. He constantly thought of how Deven might be or what could of happened.

Greg walked into the station and rushed to an officer he had worked with many times named Zack.
"Zack, Deven, what happened to Deven where did they take her?"

"Yeah, there gonna put her in that crazy nut house they put that guy you locked up in." Zack said.

Greg walked out of the building and went to his car. As he opened the car door the click of the handle made him picture the click of a footstep, a footstep on a shinny floor. The kind of floor that was where they would be dragging Deven through. Greg say there in his car, still parked. He put his hands on the steering wheel and slowly let them fall off of it.

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