The fifth night

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  Max's POV

  I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned off the alarm and got ready for 'work'. After I was done I grabbed my duffle bag and went out to the kitchen. I saw the real objects in the table. I guess Ross put them here? I thought. So I grabbed 2 of the real objects and put them in my duffle bag.

  I heard some doors open and close. I saw Barney, Jin, and Ross come over to me. "Oh you put them on the table." Ross said. "I thought you put them on the table." I said. "No, Jin did you put them on the table?" Ross asked. Jin shook his head. "No I didn't. Barney?" Jin asked.

  "Nope's." Barney said. "Ok then who did?" I asked. They all shrugged. I turned to look at the objects. I saw a small note. I picked it up and read it.
             This is the real last time.
                 Good luck tonight.
  What the heck is this? I looked up to see Barney, Jin, and Ross grabbing two of the objects each. Ross came over to me. I still had the note in my hands. "What's that?" Ross whispered to me. I don't know why he whispered but ok. I handed the note to him without saying anything.

He took it and read it. His eyes widened a little. "Where did you get this?" He whispered to me. "I found it on the table next to the objects." I whispered as I pointed to the table. He nodded. "Why?" I asked.

He looked at the clock. Then he looked back to me. "I don't think it's the best time to tell you right now." Ross said pointing to the clock. I looked at the clock, 11:45 am. "Alright guys time to go to the car." I said as I started pushing them out the door. Literally pushing them.

  We got out to the car and I pushed them in the car. I got in and looked at them. They had those faces that say 'WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!' "Can I ask WHY YOU DID THAT?!" Ross half yells.

"Look at the time." I said. "I don'ts haves a watch." Barney said. "Me neither." Jin adds. We all look over to Ross. He was going through his duffle bag and then he pulled out a clock. An actually clock. A clock that is supposed to be on a wall of a house.

"Ross, What, the heck." I said. "What? Don't you guys bring clocks everywhere you go?" He asked. "Yes Ross everyone brings a clock with them everywhere they go." Jin said. "No Ross people don't do that." I said.

"Well... I'm a Ross." He said. We all looked at him. "Sure." Jin said slowly. I turned the car on and started to drive.  We where almost to the park. "What's happens if we don'ts get them free?" Barney asked. "What, Barney we will free them." Jin said.

  I saw Barney nod from the mirror. I hope your right Jin. I thought. We finally arrived at the park. I parked close to the gates but not to close, just in case we need to get to the car quickly.

I got out of the car and looked around. I didn't see Jeff's car, but last time we didn't see it, he was here. Once everyone else was out of the car I locked it. We all looked at each other and nodded. We approached the gate and I saw that it was locked with at least 5 different locks.

"Geez this guy doesn't want us freeing our friends." Jin said. I pulled out the gate key Jeff had given me. "Ya but the thing is he's very very stupid." I said as I showed them the gate key I had. "1 problem there's 5 different locks." Jin said. "Thanks captain obvious." I said jokey.

  "I can help with that." Ross said. I looked to him. He went into his duffle bag and pulled out a paper clip. "Alright then." I said and turned to the gate. I unlocked the one lock that the key could unlock. Then Ross used the paper clips to open the other 4.

  Before I opened the door I looked around to all my friends not knowing if this would be the last time me seeing them. Heck Jeff could have something set up to kill all of us. But I nodded to them and they nodded back. I pushed open the giant gate and we walked into the park.

Five nights at team crafted's amusement park: The truth unrolling.Where stories live. Discover now