Chapter 1: New beginnings

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'It's been a 9 years since my mother died. It's also been 4 months since the killer of my mom suddenly died of a heart attack. I know who did this, it was kira.'


You push your (H/C) locks out of your face as you walk along the hallways. It's Monday and you're in a bad mood. Not only that, but you have to start a new college half way through the year. Great. You dig out your timetable to see what class You have first.

"History, room...345" You mutter to yourself as You make your way to the class.

Once You get there You're already 10 minutes late. You push the heavy brown door open and the whole class stares at You. Your eyes land on a beautiful boy that must be about your age. He has brown hair that hangs over his forehead in a side swept bang. His brown eyes. Everything right there made you want him. 'What am I saying? I've been in this class for 5 seconds and I've already got a crush on a dude! This is not good.' You thought.

While you was in a dreamy haze you didn't realise that You was just stood there...staring at the kid in the front.

"Hello? You must be the new girl, miss (S/N)? Am I correct?" The professor spoke.

"Y-yes. That's me, I'm sorry I'm late, sir." you timidly said while clutching to your timetable till your knuckles were white.

"Oh no! Don't be, you're new, it's fine. Now there is only one space left and its next to Light yagami over there." He said as he pointed to the boy you was fantasising about. You walked over to the only spear seat in the class and got your book out ready to learn.

"So what are your thought on kira, guys?" The professor said while logging onto his computer.

The class started shouting about how kira was a serial killer and needs to be caught.

"he should be killed!"

"hes a criminal just as much as the ones hes been killing!"

You just sat there trying not to get involved. People might take your opinion as an offence and You couldn't risk getting on the wrong side of the school.

"Excuse me sir, but what has kira got to do with history?" The hot bo- I mean, light yagami said. He seemed tense yet proud as he said this. Maybe he was a kira supporter?

"Light-kun, you do realise this is history in the making? This is my class, and I will teach what I want. Don't like it, then hit the road son!" The professor replied, crossing his arms over his chest and knotting his brows in aggravation.

"You're right sir, sorry." Light said as he sunk back in his chair.

'Oh man he looks so hot when he's angry' you thought. But just as you was thinking about his amazing eyes, they turned and looked at you. All narrowed and confused.

"A- are you staring at me?" He said.

"N-no I was just thinking about the whole kira thing" you lied. But the lie worked because he seemed to lose a big amount of tension.

"Oh, okay. Are you like the rest of the class? Y'know 'kira should die bla bla bla'?" He said. His eyes went from anger to confusion then to thrill excitement. Mood swings much...

"Erm, I don't really like to say what side I'm on. Like to keep it a mystery." You smiled.

"Well, I'm willing to find out all the mysteries about you" he winked then turned back to the teacher.

Your cheeks feel hot, so you quickly take your make up mirror into your view and stare at you red cheeks.

'Oh no, I've only known this light yagami for 20 minutes and I'm already head over heels with him.'

I promise, you and L will get together, just please be awesome and wait for the twist :) <3

Comments are as tasty as noodles :) *chu* 😘

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