I back down no more, I am my own person not some pet to control, I fight to protect others, to put others before myself to show I am not weak that I have a heart. Go ahead and call me names like you know me better than you think I do, I hide no longer in the dark. My shadow may grow behind me but I will fight for what I think is right, I am that angel you call on to protect you from any cause.
Am I the one that gets scared? Maybe. Do I show the ones I hold close my weakness? Yes. Do I cry because It makes me weak? No, I cry because I have been strong for to long.
The misunderstood little girl or boy that hides in a corner because of the demons he or she may face on a day to day bases, is because there is barely anyone there to help pick up the pecies.
Ultimate people who think there better have no boundery to me. All because they think there life is a living hell. I won't back down for who I am and if you can't see that oh fucken well, because it's my life and its not yours.
Protector from all that is scary, frightening, unscathed. No matter what life throws your way, I will not sleep, eat, move, leave or abandon those who need my help, because that is who I am.4-22-16