waking up in hisoka's room

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(hisoka's room picture up on top )

i felt warmth and something touching my lower back and it's moving, also there's something messing with my hair. once i opened my eyes i saw hisoka asleep and rubbing his hand on my back and playing with my hair too. sence hisoka's asleep i decided to sing slendy's lullaby

watching me,

Someone's always there

When I'm sleeping he just waits,

And he stares

Someone's always standing in the

Darkest corner of my room

He's tall and wears a suit of black,

Dressed like the perfect groom

Where are you going?

Why won't you stay?

They might be scared of you,

But I just want to play...

He has no face,

He hides with the trees...

He loves little children,

When they beg and scream


~~~~hisoka's pov~~~~

i woke up to hayami singing a creepy lullaby. she also ended in my arms with her head on my chest. once she stopped singing she noticed i was up and moved her head off of me. we got up to get something to eat. for some reason she comes to my room instead of hers but she does share a room with gon and killua.

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