Chapter 1: Running Into Them

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The winds shifted quickly, Renee refused to move until she heard the news, once she comprehended what was happening, she ran. Same story for the others, all of them, Mickey, Angel, Rachel, and even Mandy. The forest, one of the safest, yet most dangerous places. All decided to rush in without looking back.

Rachel had been separated from her friend that had been running with her, she was the first to go. In tears, Rachel ran hearing nothing but crunching leaves beneath her feet and feeling nothing but despair, discomfort, and her bones chattering of fright and guilt. She kept her head down to block out the horrid new reality that had been thrust upon the world. The nuclear bomb, and now zombies? Not to mention losing her friend, life couldn't possibly get worse, at least she hoped. The only things she had with her now were the clothes on her back and her phone, which could only be used to play her favorite song.

Mickey had been separated from her family, everyone, her dad, brother, sister, and her favorite sister, the one she cared for more than she cared for herself, on the outside, since she knew her family wouldn't want her to have to break down over them, she stayed with a straight face, full of determination, and with driven focus, but on the inside, she wanted to cry, she just wanted to kneel down and break out in a river of tears. Then again, who wouldn't want to? Everything she worked for, gone.

Angel ended up running with a few guys from her class, none of the girls from there wanted to follow, they were far too afraid, but every time Angel and the guys would try to take a break something would always moan, at the time,mother didn't know it was a ZOMBIE apocalypse. First, one guy, next thing she knows, all of the guys were gone, the only people that were there for her. Her parents? Always out of town, probably getting drunk and cheating on each other, the only thing that's kept Angel's sanity was art, avant-garde art to be exact. Now, she was left with her thoughts of: Now I'm alone... What if I'm alone out here forever... What happened to them... What if that happens to me... No one will care though, no one ever has.

Mandy was already in the woods, doing her typical hunting near her hideout that she's been wanting to upgrade for a while. All of her hunting buddies were gone so she decided to take a nap, unaware that a nuclear bomb had started a zombie apocalypse. She drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Renée was endlessly running in random directions within the woods, she never kept her hopes or expectations high, so she was pretty sure that her parents had already been gotten to, she tried not to think about it, she didn't want to cry, she didn't want to show weakness, especially not right now.

Without any signs of stopping they all ran, and ran, and ran.

Mickey was the first one, other than Mandy, to come across a shelter, she snuck inside as there seemed to be no one home.

A few moments later, Angel heard the noise of leaves crumbling and crunching, she turned around, secretly horrified, but it wasn't a zombie, it was a person, they were crying. Angel called out, "Are you okay? I'm not gonna hurt you!" The running figure stopped, wiped their face to rid it of tears, and slowly began walking towards her. "Look, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just trying to find some shelter. My name is Angel," she took a while to analyze the figure, "what's wrong?"
The person looked up, "She's gone." Angel obviously grew confused, "Who?"

"My friend."

"Who even are you?"

"My name's Rachel, Rachel Parks."

"You look really familiar."

"You do, too."

Meanwhile, Renée ran and ran, until she bumped into a wooden wall, she looked up, it was a shack or something. She thought to go inside, she didn't hear any noise, so she silently crept into the house, but right when she got in she heard a gun pop. The female figure looked into Renée's eyes fiercely, "Who the heck are you?" Renéee took a moment to try to straighten up but it was useless, "My name is Renée, do, uh, do I know you from somewhere?" The girl's eyes widened and she kept out at Renée, "It's you!! I haven't seen you in so long!"

Renée jumped away, "What are you talking about you weirdo? Who are you?"

"It's me, Sodah, but, now I go by Mandy."



Mickey continued searching through the shelter she had found when she heard laughter, she walked towards the noise quietly, but she didn't see a stick that ended up beneath her foot while walking, right when the stick snapped, the chatter and laughter stopped. She heard someone that she swore she's heard before, "Hello? Who is that?"
Might as well go out there, what do I have to lose? Mickey thought, then she slowly peered over, there were two people she knows she's seen before. One of the faces lit up.

"Mickey! Sodah look, it's Mickey!!"


It was Sodah and Renée, if you didn't get that by now.

They drank some water and tried to get caught up on what they had missed. Until, another trespasser came along. Renée grabbed a gun on the corner of the room. She slowly began to walk silently towards the entrance, holding up the gun, she saw the shadows of not one, but two trespassers, she waved at Sodah and Sodah grabbed a dagger she had and slowly walked the same path as Renée. When they finally saw the trespassers' faces, they let their guard down, full of ecstasy, they ran up to the people they had known and attacked them playfully. It was Angel and Rachel there.

Minus this part here, the entire story was exactly 1,000 words! Woo! Hope you like the story so far and leave in the comments the name of a character of your own story and they may get added into the story.

Should the next chapter have blood involved?

Comment, yes or no!

Thanx again so much for reading, stay tuned!!

- Mar

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