Chapter Fifteen: Destiny's Mistake

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     As the group of Ian, Isaac, Sodah, Angel, Mickey, Shauna, and Noah rummaged through the forest, the chain swung around in Angel's tightened clasp. It shimmered delicately in the trickling sunlight in which found ways to rain through the leaves. A mysterious smile creepily lurked on one of their faces as the chain was the only thing they could thing of. A constant beating remembrance of the chain pounded through their head. Who was it? Well, that answer might just have to wait for the 'oh-so-close' future.

Hello reader. After much consideration, I've decided to discontinue this story. I've felt myself disconnecting from the storyline and plot, even the characters. I figured that since my heart isn't in it, my lack of passion will shine through in my writing. This would make the story boring and uneventful. My apologies, thank you so much for the little support I've gotten, and thank you for your understanding. 

If you really enjoyed this story, you might enjoy some stories from :

Mickeyrox1    ArtsySkeleton   Mitsuki_Sumi

I'd suggest "On The Run" by ArtsySkeleton

"Is She Really Gone" by Mickeyrox1

And "The Sanders" by Mitsuki_Sumi

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 05, 2017 ⏰

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