Chapter Eight: Oopsies

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Rachel decided she would at least try to enjoy the celebration while it still lasted, in her attempt to do so, she froze after she accidentally, carelessly and messily bumped into Zane's back with all of her body weight. He didn't budge... How?

Zane stood firm until she picked herself up from him, he turned to face her. Out of fright she had fallen on the floor and Zane spread a scowl across his face. Petrified, Rachel shut her eyes quickly and cringed together her entire body until hearing a sigh, "You okay?" Zane asked, Rachel opened her eyes to find him extending one hand out to her. She took it and stood in front of him, having to look up for eye contact, Hmm, never realized how tall he is...


"Why did you kidnap me?"

"You were breaking and entering in my property."

"Yea, to save Soda!" She paused, "Why did you kidnap Soda?"

"I didn't, technically."

Rachel grew a stare of annoyance at him and he shot her a flapped wink.

"Hmph..." Rachel grudgingly took hold of his hand and pulled him away into her room.

"Look, I'm sure you realized, but I seriously don't trust you, in fact I-"

Zane pulled in and kissed her, she froze, "Finally, you stopped talking." Zane said, he followed his words by rushing out of the room, leaving Rachel still in her place, perplexed. Thoughtless, she didn't know whether to feel enraged, or intrigued.

Isaac stopped Zane, "I saw that!"

"Saw what?"

"Boss, I saw what you did to Rachel."

"Why does it concern you again?"

"Don't you like the other person?"

"The only reason I did that was to get her to shut up."

"What if she takes it differently?"

"Then, it's her loss, now, move out of my way."

"What am I supposed to do, Boss?"

"Go back to playing with your toy."

"My toy?"


"You mean-?"


"She isn't-"

Isaac began to blush profusely and the thought.

"Sure, sure she isn't. Say what you want, I know the truth."

"Boss, you don't understand, I'm only... tricking her."

"Oh, you are?" Zane crept into a sly smirk, "Seems you're learning."

Zane continued down the hall and jumped into a conversation Renée held with Ian.

The night grew softer in sound. The darkness slowly began to intake the forest, leaving it without a shadow. Zane took his place on one of the chairs surrounding the table, next to both Ian and Isaac. Before the slept, they were gifted an awkward silence that took insanity into their own brains. The rest of the girls took place in their rooms, Rachel never left her's after the kiss she had with Zane, she didn't know if she should take it personally or not.

The other girls stayed deep in thought, barely receiving even a mere wink of sleep. Mickey couldn't bare the silence, so she crept out into the hall and into the main room, where she immediately saw Isaac, she went up to him and slowly shook him awake. Once he finally arose, she requested he slept in her room for the night, he tiredly and happily agreed and trailed after her on the way into her room. They shared a bed, and everytime Mickey would get scared, Isaac would calm her down by cradling her from behind her.

Renée heard them walking through the hall past her room, she continued her thoughts and tear-worthy memories of Noah. Then, she pieced together more memories. She figured there was a connection, she didn't know how, but there WAS one, she just needed to know how to fit the memories together right.

Sodah, she remained awake thinking of how everyone else reacted so differently to Zane's arrival. Renée, confused and of ecstasy. Mickey, she seemed to pay almost no attention to him. Angel took an immediate liking to him, because of his looks. Isaac became even more awkward than he was before. Ian, seemed, kind of careless for him. Rachel, was filled of hatred.

Renée eventually managed to sink deeper and deeper into sleep, within her thoughts, she continued peicing together the information, once she noticed they were all connected, she shot up into an upwards sitting position, and flung herself out of bed, she hurriedly began to craft a way to show her theory and once she got to work, her face boomed into a stern appearance, showing that she wouldn't stop, until she got the idea out to everyone she knew was involved in any way she thought possible.As the sheds of light for the new day began drizzling into the shelter, Sodah sat up in a realization. She ran into Angel's room, "Angel!"

Angel arose unwillingly, "What?"

"Has Ian talked about his sisters to you?"

"Oh.. I don't think I should say anything, I think he should tell you for himself..."

Sodah took Angel's word and ambushed Ian with the same question out in the main room at the table.

"Will you tell me?" Sodah asked persistently.

Ian broke into a query expression and stared at the ground mortifiedly.

"Well... You see, I told them to stay out of sight in case anything happened here, and, the other day, I went to check on them in their hiding spot..." Ian's eyes quickly flooded and when he blinked, a single tear rolled down his cheek swiftly onto the floor. "Instead of seeing them, I saw smeared blood, starting from two side-by-side puddles." Ian reached to his back pocket and pulled out a stuffed animal, "This was the stuffed animal they shared, and it was left next to the puddles, torn apart and-"

Ian was cut off by Renée, slashing her way into the main room, everyone heard the riot she made and followed her from their rooms to outside the shelter, "Last night, I realized something."

"Oh my gosh, Renée, I swear if this is-"

"Just listen!" Renée responded to Mickey broken and stern, "It's about Noah."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry it took another while for the chapter to get out, but it's only because I decided to write a new book! It's called

My Dark Light! So you should check it out!!

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Mkay! Bye!

                                ~ Mar

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