Chapter Twenty-Six: No Place Like Home On The Yellow Brick Road

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Chapter Twenty-Six: No Place Like Home On The Yellow Brick Road


My dream is to travel the world. I had voiced this to Merida one evening. It had slipped out in the middle of a conversation about baby names. I wasn't sure how I had managed to convince Merida to come to the library with me but here we were.

It was a late Saturday afternoon, the place was nearly empty. On the table before us was a handful of one anothers favorite books, along with parenting guides. Both of which had to do with the babies in some way.

Our favorite books we skimmed for names, an idea given by Rapunzel. We'd have little to no luck at agreeing on a single name. The redhead had her casted leg propped up on my lap. I had gotten bored and asked if I could draw on it.

"Ay swear if its something offense or stupid, ima break yer leg and draw life ruinin' pictures on it!" She had threatened. Knowing that she was completely serious I decided to draw dragons.

Her cast was covered in names, along with some painted pictures from Rapunzel. In the empty spaces I drew dragons. Some big and some small. The smell of sharpies was intoxicating making me a little dizzy.

Merida's eyes were tired from little to no sleep. I'd pointed out that she need to get rest for the sake of the unborn children. An all she did was tell me to, 'Shut up!' In her hands she gripped a Harry Potter book skimming for any name that jumped out. Her eyes had been glued to it for the last half and hour and I could only assume she had been rereading instead of skimming.

Her reaction to my dream was a soft snort and a yawn before she spoke. "Aye," she said in acknowledgement, "And ay dream of a nice warm apple pie."

It wasn't a surprise that food was absolutely the only thing she was thinking about. Her cravings were something I found easy to ignore although they made up most our conversations. Such as her recent desire to put hot sauce on everything. She did demand me to bring her food all the time said it was least I could do after putting her in this state.

I however simple rolled my eyes and said, 'It takes two to tango' in order to remind her it wasn't just my fault. If anything it wasn't either of ours atleast we think. We had little memory of anything that happened on the 'forgotten night'.

However I'm sure I wouldn't has slept with Merida expecially without protection if I was able to think at all. I wasn't one for drinking but I know that intoxicated or not I had enough since to not sleep with the enemy.

Besides from what I do remember I hadn't drank more than two beers. Jack on the other hand had a few more than that but he had a high alcohol tolerance. Anyway we had spent a lot of time meeting up. Not just me and Jack but alomg with Merida, Elsa and Rapunzel (when she was avaliable).

If we remembered something we'd all get together. And share our memories adding them to a rather large board of sticky notes, index cards, and whatever else we could pin. Which currently hung in my own work area at Gobber Garage and Junk Yard. The only one of the group who had absolutely no memory or even a slight glimpse of the past was Rapunzel.

It had come to conclusion that maybe she wasn't apart of the whole thing or she was lying. Me and Jack had brought up the second one to Elsa and Merida. The two quickly attempted to push the idea out and tried to give another reasonable explanation.

When coming up with nothing Merida had sighed and agreed that it was possible but Elsa won't even consider it. Who could blame her though? Rapunzel was the last person you'd think to be carrying a dark secret. Then again the least expected are the guilty ones.

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