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"Callie, what would you be doing if you were home right now?"

It was twelve thirty when they finally set off for their great adventure. Again, Brandon was driving. Callie had promised to take over the wheel once it hit an hour, where they would get out at a gas station to go to the bathroom or stretch, but at only a total of three hours on the road, Brandon knew that would not happen. At one eleven in the afternoon, Callie Jacobs was painting her fingernails in the passenger seat.

"Throwing myself out the window."

They were two hours outside of Vegas at the time. It had only been three hours, and they weren't even consecutive hours, but Brandon was hoping that the ride to New York would be shortened by a lot.

Callie Googled it, and it was forty one hours long. Forty one hours.


"Lena was so pissed, I had never seen her like that. Imagine what would happen if we were there when she got home." Just then, Callie got another call from Mariana.

"Don't answer it." Brandon said as he merged lanes on the highway. He glanced over at Callie, who he saw roll her eyes as she blew on her drying nails. "Right. You can't."

"What would you be doing, Brandon?"

"Mom was," He held his right index finger and thumb a centimeter apart, "This close to killing me. I would be in a coffin."

"And like the forbidden lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who our footsteps follow theirs," Callie started to tease, "My act of diving out the window would be a sacrifice, for true love."

They laughed.

Brandon didn't know if it was true love, but he knew that whatever they had was the best thing that would ever happen to Brandon. And, it was wasted. For, in most recent time, it was over as quick as it started.


They didn't go through Las Vegas, to Callie's regret. Brandon insisted on taking the back roads, because it would take more time to go through and navigate Vegas's highway system and the traffic than it would to take the back roads.

It was boring and uneventful. Callie groaned every five minutes and would stomp and complain every time that nothing happened. She wanted to experience the All American road trip cross country and, to be honest, seeing the country was apart of the excitement.

And when they were a half an hour outside of Vegas, she started to shun him. She wouldn't talk to him until they reached Cedar City, Utah. Her method didn't do anything, really, she could see that they both enjoyed the silence.

Rounding five o'clock, they pulled into a shabby motel off of the main highway going through the city. It looked old and broken down, but they wouldn't be there for long. Although their room smelt like dust and the walls were lined with it, Callie immediately dove for the one single bed, while Brandon searched for the closest food joint around them.

"I guess I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight." Brandon groaned.

"Don't be stupid." In their previous motel, the room had two beds. But what could Callie expect from a motel that looked like it hopped out of the one from fucking Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. "We'll share the bed. It's not like we haven't before." She rolled off of the bed and took a step towards Brandon. "Anything good?"

"There's a McDonalds, but that would mean getting in the car again, or pizza delivery."

After arguing about what to get, and after deciding on just getting two medium sized ones, they placed their order and waited. In the duration of twenty minutes, they had moved positions forty times. They laughed another eighty and Callie remembered why they fell in love in the first place.


She completely forgot about AJ.


Callie fell asleep long before he did.

She was peaceful and so... Perfect. Her breaths spaced out and calming, her face the one of an angel. And, even though he ran away with her, if he didn't make a promise to his moms not go do anything, he would make a move. This huge move that took Callie by surprise.

Brandon needed to stick by something on this road trip.

Brandon couldn't mess up their friendship, because it seems that no matter what it looks like ahead of them, something always intercepts them.


"Brandon, how would you feel about street performing?"

"Best idea you've had since two days ago."


They blew through Utah with a literal storm behind them. As they crossed the border into Colorado, they both could hear the distant blair of a tornado warning. Upon hearing that, Callie almost floored the gas pedal.

Apparently, she was not a fan of tornadoes.

Neither was he, though. Once, in the fifth grade, his parents rented the movie where people go into tornadoes. He didn't make it past the first forty five minutes, considering that he had never been so nervous of anything in his life, and all he could think about was them being sucked up and into the tornado.

That was kind of like being in love with Callie, Brandon guessed.

Being sucked in. Unable to be free again. But, totally enchanted with the idea and the entire entity that you don't want to leave.


"I have fifty missed calls from Mariana alone."

They pulled into an empty gas station with burgers in hands. Brandon groaned and rested his head on the top of the car. "We're terrible."

"Brandon!" Callie got defensive, almost ripping the gas pump out of the car and spraying it everywhere. "We cannot tell them where we went! Where we are going!"

"No, no, god no. We should just let them know that we are okay. That we will somehow manage to graduate high school."

"You practically had that diploma in hand, Brandon. All of the credits completed, and let's face it, without that senior project, I am not getting anywhere."

"Fine. We should at least tell them that we are okay."

Callie pouted and stomped. He was right. That bastard. "You call them, then."

Brandon cheered, dialed Mariana's number, and put her on speakerphone. Almost immediately, her loud, unmistakable voice rang. Callie missed it. "Brandon? Oh my god, Brandon! Where in the hell are you? What happened? How dare you just leave like that?"

"Chill out, mom." Callie laughed. Brandon shot her a look.

"Callie." Her voice was quiet.

"We just wanted to let you guys know that we are okay. Tell Lena that I technically have graduated and that Callie will find a way to do something. We are great."

Mariana started to speak, but Callie said goodbye to her and Brandon hung up. "I bet Stef will find a way to track us if we stay in this county any longer. Let's dash, boy."

Drive -- Brallie AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now