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"Hey, B?" Callie asked, still in bed from their act of spontaneous and distant thinking. "You're still going to leave, aren't you?"

The boy looked down at the floor, ashamed. He was fully dressed already, and looked prepared for a whole speech that would break her heart instead of the peace he expected. "You have to understand, Callie. It's my father. My family needs me."

"I thought we were going to be a family." She held back tears as she angrily dressed.

"I don't belong here. People are brash and pushy and almost never tip me if I ask them to repeat their order." Brandon laughed for a quick second, until he realized that Callie wouldn't break a smile as long as he was still leaving. "I'm not strong enough for this city. But you, Callie, god you have the heart and mindset of a lion. You're so strong, you've been through so much I can't imagine you having a hard time here. Callie, I have loved you for the longest time. Ever since I saw you at the dinner table, but--"

"But?" Callie replied, harshly. She crossed her arms and refused to look at him.

"But, sometimes letting people go is the best you can do."

"Fuck you." Callie looked at him this time, a deadness residing in her eyes. "Fuck you and fuck everything you have ever told me. You could have just stayed in San Diego, Brandon, if you didn't want to come here. You could have spared me the fucking heartache. Oh, and don't tell me that nothing happened when you were over at Lou's. You're such a sucker, Brandon. As soon as a girl bats her eyelashes-- you fold."

He rocked on his heels, afraid of the girl who was staring him down like she was the lion and he a gazelle. In other words: fresh meat.

"There was a kiss. But, it didn't mean anything. It was an accident!" He rushed his words trying to cram everything he could before she could get a word it.

"An accident? Oh, okay, so your tongue just tripped and fell into that-- that whore's mouth? I guess New York was an accident, too, right? Because you didn't drive half the way here and you didn't share a motel room with me and fuck me on purpose, does that sound right, Brandon?" Her tone of voice was like a dagger. "Of course it meant something, Brandon. That kiss means you stopped caring enough about me to try. I don't give two shits anymore if you leave. Because you are a cheater, and a liar, and I guess to you New York never actually meant something."

"Callie, I love you so much."

"Why are we even fighting right now? Huh? This isn't going to change your mind. You are going to go back to San Diego and I am not coming with. Just, grab your shit and go."

He packed a bag while Callie hid in the bathroom, trying not to sob too loud. As he packed, he tried to talk to her by reminding her of some of the gifts they got each other. Brandon wanted the satisfaction of leaving New York without feeling like a total dick, Callie knew that, but she wasn't going to let the boy who broke her have that.

"I'm done packing." He said. "Also, I booked the next flight out. Leaves at noon."

"Good." Callie spoke through the door.

"Please, come out. One last... Everything."

Callie did come out after thirty seconds of pondering. She felt like slapping him and kicking him. So much anger filled her and she wanted to unleash everything on the one who stored it in her in the first place. But, instead, she broke down in tears as Brandon hugged her goodbye.

His grip around her tightened. Brandon kissed the top of Callie' head and she felt his tears land on her. "I love you. I love you so damn much." Brandon said through sobs. "It might not have started out as something I wanted, but I will never regret what happened these past few months."

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