Chapter 4 - The club

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Marks pov (PS. I changed the way it looks when they talk, hihi)

I take a step in to the most amazing club I've ever seen.

Even though I don't understand a word all those Swedish people are saying.

It's fine, I heard Felix say that Swedish people are great at English, right?

I split up with Jack, going straight to the bar.

"Uhm...hello one drink please, surprise me" I order from the bar tender.

The drink taste delicious and I order 2 more.

When I'm done with the drinking (for a while atleast) I go over to the dance floor.

I can slowly feel the alcohol starting to do its thing while I dance around to the beating music.

(Is beating even a word? Haha)

After a while I realize that I need more alcohol, so I go back to the bar and order 3 more drinks.

When I'm there I can see Jack sitting at the other edge, drinking to.

I move next to him so I can see his beautiful green hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Hey Jackaboy, how's it going?" I say, feeling how the alcohol make me talk different. 

"Hellooooooo Markimoo." He answer with a big smile.

I can see in his eyes a big sparkle, he is drunk.

I order one more big drink with extra alcohol.

"Have you checked out the dance floor yet?" I ask him, swallowing my new drink.

"Yea....I like the bar better." He says and drinks up one of all his 5 drinks standing in front of him.

I drink up my drink, order 3 more, drinks up them and I feel how the room is changing colours.

I look at Jack with my drunk eyes, wanting him so badly.

He looks at me to, now with just empty glasses in front of him.

"Jackaboy, wanna go home?" I ask.

He nods and we walk out togheter, he takes my hand.

How adorable, he's mine now.

~ Time skip to home ~ (is that even a thing?)

Felix is not home yet. Me and Jack walk up to our room as robots (11 am).

I gently close the door after us before I cuddle down in the bed beside Jack.

Both of us are way to drunk to even care about changing cloth.

" was your night Markimoo?" Jack asks me with a soft voice.

"It was beautiful just like you." I say not thinking correctly.

Jack blushes a little, but I can see that he's still very drunk.

I move closer to him, giving him a nice big hug.

"I love you Mark" he whispers.

"I love you to" I whisper back. Then our lips meet, and it's the most amazing kiss I've ever had.

He's lips are soft and wonderful and I don't ever want to let go.

When Jack finally decide to pull away, I fall asleep instantly. With only one thing on my mind.

I just kissed Sean and it was amazing.

So, this was a little shorter chapter but I came up with this idea right when I woke up and started to write instantly. I really hope this chapter ok though.

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