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    For years both dimensions were at a stalemate, not one of them would dare make a move, Both prepared for the many battles they would all face ahead of them. Peace had been in Galaxia for centuries, no threat seemed evident, but their knowledge of the universe was obviously lacking. Other dimensions were planning, scheming to gain power. The Dialex for years had been watching on jealously at the marvel and wonder of the Galaxian dimension.                                                                                                                                                                                           
    Their dimension had been through civil war and destruction for centuries, destroying their own dimension slowly. Until one day a powerful man by the name of Karlem changed everything. He made a proposal to the Dialex they couldn't refuse. EVERYTHING. Literally everything; Planets, galaxies, all the dimensions, he in return wanted all those inhabited in Galaxia to be dead.
    Since that day there has been no rest between the Dialex and the Galaxians. The Dialex had been ruthless in their resolve, killing everything and everyone in their path. After many years the Dialex managed to create technology to travel between worlds. This technology was provided to them by Karlem. And this technology was stolen from the guardians.
    Karlem used to be a respected powerful guardian in Galaxia. He was even in the supreme guardian court. Karlem was a man who liked his position in the court. He wanted to be the best. But this gave him a trait that was frowned upon by guardians, Jealousy. Karlem was still young when he was put onto the Supreme Court. This didn't help his ego. He would boast and brag about his ability and strength. After all he was a powerful man; he could wield his power well and do whatever he chose.
    But there was one guardian he could never defeat with his power, Ralex.
    Ralex was younger than Karlem but was a special guardian. Not only was he powerful but he was also fast, intelligent and was given more responsibility within the Guardian council.
    Karlem was not pleased. His anger got to him and he once attempted to murder Ralex. But he was humiliated by him, defeated with ease; he was then banished by the guardians for eternity. But before he was banished Karlem managed to get his hands on the dimensional technology which had been given him by a traitor.
    Since this rebellion the guardians have been at uneasy and rightly so. Because a deadly war had begun, a war they could decide the future and past

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