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After their confrontment, Ann and James became friends again. But on James’ side, he wanted them to be something more. Something more than what they shared before.


“Oh. Sam.” Ann said with a smile. But before that, she was talking to James. When Sam came, James felt jealous.

“I just want to ask you if you’re free tonight?” Sam asked her while looking at James. At first, James glared at him for his sudden question but when Ann looked at him he stopped.

“Uhh. Sorry, Sam but I’m a bit busy with the script memorizing and tapings. Maybe next time.” Ann said with a smile. James just smiled widely up to his ears. 

‘HA! Better luck next time, Sammy.’ James thought.

“Ahh. I just want to say something that’s all.” Sam said.

“Oh. Why not say it now?” Ann asked him. Sam took a glance at James then said, “Would you mind, James?” James just glared at him then, left.


“Oh. I just want to say that go with the flow.” Sam laughed.

“Go with the flow? What do you mean, Sam?” Ann asked him.

“I know that James has this something for you, so I wanna make him jealous.” Sam said evily. Ann laughed at his sentence then just smiled as a sign of acceptance.

“Good. Bye Ann.” Sam said as he kissed her cheek which made Ann blush. When he left, she saw James frowning.

“What’s with the face?” Ann asked him as she cupped his face.

“I’m jealous.” James said as he pouted.

“YA. There’s nothing to be jealous of, James.” Ann said.

“There is. Okay, for example. We’re in a boat. You, me and Sam. The boat is sinking(group yourselves into 5? HAHHAH.) and you need to save at least one of us, who will you choose?” James asked her. She smiled then said, “Hm. Of course, I’ll choose Sam.” Ann said. James bowed his head. “And after that I’ll come and drown with you.” She added. James smiled as he hugged her. 

“Why do you keep on telling me this things when we aren’t together?” he asked her.

“Simple, because I want to.” 

“Why can’t we be together?”

“Because, I don’t want to.”

“ARGH. Fine.” He said as he hugged her once again. 


James is at his photo shoot. Since there were girls on the said photo shoot, James felt confident. ‘Let me show this girls that I’m great at this.’ He thought.

“James, over here.” A girl shouted at him. James smiled as he saw who it was.

“Jessica!” He shouted back. Right there, he began to hug her tight, little did they know that there are photographers who captured their said ‘moment’.

“Long time no see, Jammy.” she said cutely. James put his hand around her shoulders and then, said “HAHAHA. Didn’t I tell you not to call me that? You’re still cute, Sica.” *SNAP*

“Same to you. I miss you so much.” She hugged him again. *SNAP*

They were chatting, chatting and chatting. But what shocked the photographers the most is that when James kissed her. Not an actual kiss but, it was suppose to be a cheek kiss, but suddenly, Jessica turned her head and James kissed her in the side of her lips.

“I’m sorry.” Jessica said as she bowed.

“No, it’s okay. Uhm. I got to go now, the photo shoot is starting. Bye Sica.” And she left.

“This is going to be great if the news see this.” The photographer thought.


“Another issue has been caught once again. We Got Married cast, James Reid caught kissing with his NEW girlfriend? HAHA. That girl sure is lucky. And his girlfriend is Ms. Jessica Jung from SNSD. Hm. This pictures were taken early in the afternoon this day on their photo shoot for Bench.” The reporter said on the screen as pictures of them was showing off in the whole screen.

“Jessica? Who is she?” Ann asked herself. “Oh. Wait. Jessica. Yes. I am friends with her members. So, she’s James’ girlfriend. Nice. At least he found someone better.” Ann thought again.

“ANN!! ANN!!” James shouted. She opened at door on their condo but suddenly, James hugged her. “I miss you.” He said. He just went back to their condo after the photo shoot.

“Ahh. James just sleep.” Ann said coldly. She doesn’t know why but she’s hurt with the sudden news yet she also doesn’t know why is she this affected if she isn’t together with James. She doesn’t have the right.

“I don’t want to. I wanna hug you more.” He said.

“Just sleep, James.”

“Come on. Let’s sleep later. And besides, I’m hungry. Let’s eat outside.” He once again convince her. 

“I SAID I DON’T WANT TO! Is that hard to understand?” she yelled at him which shocked him. But then, she began to rub her temples then said, “James, just sleep okay? I don’t want to go. If you want go without me. I don’t care.”

“Okay. I love you.” He said in a low voice. Then Ann fell asleep.


“ANNIE!” A girl yelled. Ann looked at her and saw another SNSD member, YuRi.

“YuRi. It’s nice to see you again.” Ann said as they hugged. 

“I know. And you know about the rumour? The Sica and James thingy? Gosh. Sica is very lucky that there’s a rumour like that. She’ll be famous. HAHAH. And minus the press.” She replied to her.

“YULLLL!” yelled the ice princess of the group.

“Oh. SICAAA!! I’m here with Ann!” she yelled back to her. Again, Ann saw her. She was perfect. Her hair was blonde, she was flawless, but she was short. But it wasn’t that obvious.

“ANNIEE!! I miss you.” She said as she hugged Ann. Ann just kept that fake smiled on her face.

“Girls! Let’s practice Hoot again. Come on.” Tae [pronounce as Ta long a sound], their leader called the two. After saying goodbye, the two went off. Ann, on the other hand was watching the 9 of them dancing.

“ANNN!!!” someone yelled. Ann look behind and saw James. But, just then, Jessica showed up.

“Jammyyyy!! We met again.” Jessica said to him as they hugged again. But without any signal, Ann walked out again. But James and Jessica didn’t see it. It felt like it doesn’t matter for both of them.


“Fretzieeee.” Ann cried again as she went to her and hugged he tightly.

“What happened?” She asked her worriedly.

“Ask your brother.”

“That boy. How dare he hurt my best friend? I’m going to kill him for this.” Fretzie said as she clenched a fist in her hands.

“Did I hear something your saying about my best friend?” someone asked from behind her. She look behind her and saw, Ivan, her boyfriend. “And why is Ann crying?” he added. 

“Why don’t you ask your best friend?” mocked Fretzie.

“James? What did he do?” Ivan asked her. Ann just cried there. Yes, she cried and cried. That’s all she can do.

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