I finally got into the school and now I have to pick my seat. Okay I need to make a educated guess as to where the prince might be so I'll walk around a bit and see who has the highest beeps on the detector, honestly best invention ever, then will I sit by him. BEEP BEEP BEEP wow this thing is going off the charts with this one guy, oh look he has a name tag that's neat. His name is Jackson, it sounds interesting. I walk over to where he's sitting and place my books right beside him. I sneakily wave the detector in his face, that wasn't such a good idea.
"What are you doing!"
"Ohh...I....I'm... Testing something! Yes testing, I'm testing this device for science!"
Wait to play that off cool-like.
"Oh..k then, well just make sure not to make it look so ...creepy"
"Okay!" I say enthusiastically.
He then smiled and turned back to do his work. So I just sat there doing nothing, I twiddled my thumbs for a bit and did a thumb wrestle, I won of course. Then, BAAMM I heard a loud crash outside the school, I quickly ran to the nearest window leading to outside and inspected, something had soon emerged from it, it was a nocturne. Nightshade was the nocturnes name, I know this because in Knox history we studied a lot of the evil nocturnes that were out there. I ran to go find Jackson and he just sat there staring at the window bewildered by the menacing figure heading this way calling out "prince where are you". I ran quickly towards him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him into an abandoned library that no one knew about. I knew where it was because I research a lot of things.
"Okay now listen your probably gonna be freaked out and also going ramped about how it isn't true, but believe me it is so lets cut to the chase here, your a prince air to the throne of earth, not president, the whole entire earth. I'm a Knox I guard and train you to fight nocturnes and evil and still do your royal duties, yeah I know crazy but, just go with it. Today is your first lesson."
"What....the" he says with his eyes wide
"No no no no no that can't be I.. I'm just a high schooler, I can barely keep up with work let alone the earth!"
"Yeah yeah doubt doubt, just shut up and let me do this" and cast a charm, I Jab my open hand on his chest and his eyes glow gold with the power inside, his eyes will permanently be gold so he's lucky it looks good on him, he comes back to reality and says
"Wow.... I never expected this, it's amazing!"
"Yeah I know, but we have no time we gotta go so first lesson, transformation.
"To transform you must unlock the energy with your power, I unlocked the power but you must release it to transform. Watch" I say then I gradually make a glowing orb around my hands and soon it rapidly spreads through my body transforming me into my true self. I grow mouse ears on top and a tail, my arms are wrapped with clockwork mechanisms made for fighting and useful at all times, I wear a suit of bronze and gold color, a jacket at ending at my waist with patterns of numbers on them, I have a big bow that's black in front of my neck and a shirts buttoned and ruffled going down, the shirt connected to my small shorts with to big circles on the front, and a golden chain connected to the back, my shoes have white cuffs over them with buttons and are black with dials and other fancy things, to finish off the look was my rapier, my weapon was beautiful with gold spiraling down on it and a circular finish where my hand held it. My transformation was complete
Jackson stood there dumbfounded by how I looked
"See easy now you try"
"I would but let me just grasp how beautiful you look, like wow...." He said with a gigantic smile on his face, he looked cute when he was smiling. Just cute.

Time till' the moon
Fiksi IlmiahIn this fantasy/love/adventure novel we follow a strong,odd, weird girl saving the earth from destruction while training and saving the "prince" of the "knox's" in order to restore peace in the worlds. She soon falls in love with him which creates a...