Going to the hospital

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                                                                        Justin's Profile

I can't believe I might die for love. I can't fell anything I don't think I am breathing either. All I see is white. Could this be the end of me.

                                                                      Jacky's Profile

I could not believe what I just heard. I just want to die right now. So the rest of the day I am going to watch the news so I could go to the hospital he is in.

News- We just took Justin Bieber to the hospital for all who want to see Justin he is in the St. Joseph hospital in Canada.

So then I called Haley but when I when I called Haley I was crying really bad.


Me: ( in crying voice) We have to go to Canada

Haley: Why

Me: ( crying voice) Just listen to me pack your stuff

Haley: ok

                                                           End of conversation 4 hours later

We were already on our way to Canada to go see Justin. I was so worried I was crying with Haley. Haley and me were really upset. We thought we were going to die for crying to much. We can't stop crying because we thought he can't live us. If he leaves us there would be a hole in my heart and I would be normal. I don't want to be normal.I will miss him so much.

                                                           In Canada at the hospital 

Docter: Why are you girls here

Us: We just wanted to know how is Justin Drew Bieber 

Docter: Well he isn't doing so well we found that he was hitting himslef with something but we found him hitting himslef with something that is hard

Us: ok so is he going to make it 

Docter: we are pretty sure I will be right back 

                                                                 Few hours later

We were waiting for new s to be heard from Justin we were really worried. Haley and me went to get something to eat but we didn't talk cause we are really upset. So then we went back when we to the hospital we were still upset. Then we saw the docter. So we got up.

Docter: I am afriad we have bad news

Us: Is Justin ok ( crying while we said that) 

Docter: I am afraid to saw he is no longer with us

We just broke down crying cause of this. This can't be the end of him we love you Justin. We went to Justin's fureal it was really sad. I don't think we would ever be happy. All cause of Selena.

                                                                                  Selena's Profile

I didn't want to hurt Justin like this I feel sorry now. It is all my fault Justin died. I hurt him I knew how much he loved and i threw it all away just for Cody. I am sorry Justin I didn't want it to end it like this please forgive me sorry.                            

 Or is it end of Justin I will post the other part tommorow. 

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