Talking to him was a mistake

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Jacky's Profile

Me: The moment we had Austin just forget about it ok

Austin: I guess

Me: I don't want to be mean but just forget it

Austin: Ok I guess we finshed ya

Me: Hey Austin well I am going to take a shower cause Harry and me are going to the gym

Austin: Ok see you later

Me: Ya bye

Why did he ask me about the moment. I went into the shower. I got out at put this on I put on the stuff that I needed to put on so no one could see my brusies. I went to go get my car keys and then I went down staires. I saw James and Haley talking so I didn't want to ruin there conversation so I just went to tell Austin bye. I hope he is not mad at me. I went in my car and then drove to the gym. Harry told me to meet him there. I finally got there and went to the track. Since Harry toild me to meet him there. I saw him and he was running. I cought up to him.

2 hours later

Me: I will me you downstairs

Harry: Be there in a minute

Me: Ok (walks down the staris and crashes it Justin) Sorry (looks up and sees Justin and walks away)

Justin: Come on Jacky talk to me

Me: Fine just because I am nice

Justin: Yay

Harry: Hey Jacky (wraps his arms around Jacky) Hi Justin

Justin: Hi Harry

Me: Harry you could go home

Harry: Are you sure

Me: Yes I am going to talk to Justin for a little while

Harry: O ok (hugs jacky and kisses her) ( I would not do that)

Me: Bye

Harry: Bye

Me: So Justin what do you want

Justin: How about we talk and I will inivite you for a shake

Me: I guess

Justin: Lets go

At the shake place

Me: So what do you want to talk about

Justin: I wanted to know why you cried that night of the concert

Me: Justin just forget it we both moved on

Justin: I know somewhere inside your heart you have feelings for me like I do

Me: Just know I do but Harry and me are now dating deal with ok

Justin: Ok

Me: Plus you are dating Selena can I ask you a question

Justin: Ya you can

Me: When we dated and you spend that day with Selena what happened

Justin's Profile

She really asked me that question. I guess I will just tell her nothing happened between Selena and me. Then she would forget it.

Me: Nothing happened

Jacky: Not in the maginezs apparently you guys kissed and they had a picture

Me: Since we aren't dating I will tell you

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