Chapter Three

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Firstly I know in the biggining I said this would only be three chapters, but it managed to drag out a bit more. I thought that the readers would prefer a good story with more chapters than it to be rushed, right? :)

Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter on here or on twitter @TwirlinNarry



She's still by the door, her arms crossed across her chest. Harry wheels towards her and before she has a chance to recognize anything that Harry is doing he has her pushed against the closest wall, both her arms held with his one hand above her head. He lowers his lips to her ear, his breath hitting her skin causing her to slightly squirm at his touch. "I can touch you if I want" He whispers, making sure that his voice is a few octave pitches lower. 

Katy bites her lip as she shivers slightly and struggles to get out of his hold "Let me go" she demands, not wanting to look like the weaker one. "I wont let you touch me." She says sternly as she clenches her jaw and tries to free her wrists though it has little use.

With his free hand Harry reaches over to her side, his hand travelling from her white shorts up and underneath her shirt, allowing it to rest there for a bit. Harry presses his lips to the rind right bellow her ear. Is this punishment for Katy making him angry or is it his ultimate, longing desire? Harry can't really distinguish the difference as he carries on.

Katy tells Harry to stop, though he can tell in the way that she is slightly rotating her hips against him that she was just being stubborn. Harry's hand itches a slight bit higher under her shirt, the gentle kisses he leaves on the spot beneath her ear turn into little bites and sucking, leaving a couple of sore marks on her fair skin. When she rests her wrists Harry guides her arms to wrap around his neck.

They snog and snog and snog some more. Harry even feels a smile creeping to his face when Katy mumbles a quick “I hate you” against his lips. When Harry sets her free they carry on the day as though they hadn't just been completely felt each other up. That is until the next day when Harry can't stop thinking of the feeling of her soft lips and god does he want to know what tricks she can perform with those lips.

When Harry corners her in the kitchen she doesn't disobey. Instead Katy surprises Harry when she kisses him back equally as wanting, even squeezing his crotch with the right amount of pressure to get him moaning. Harry is evenly as touchy, grabbing her arse, her hair and her breasts. It's almost as though they have forgotten everything and to be honest when it comes to it their actions, they are a bit reckless.

Never less, Harry has Katy on her back on the sofa in the living room in no time. Not many words are exchanged and when they do talk all their statements are full of hateful words.

When Katy becomes extremely frustrated at Harry's reservedness she shift her weight around begging for him. “Do something” says. Katy hates how he was making her beg for him. She hates how he is smirking and controlling her. What Katy does like though is when Harry presses his two fingers hard against her though she was still covered in her panties. She moans and wriggles beneath him, making him a little crazy for her. Harry moves her underwear to the side, running the tip of his middle finger up the length of her slit.

Katy tries her very best to hold back her groans though she wares thin when Harry pushes two of his fingers into her warmth. Harry loops his fingers around her undies and swiftly pulls them off as he gets straight to work. He smirks before laying his tongue flat on her from bottom to top, licking every little bit of excitement she has shed for him. Harry traces his tongue up her slit again, sending her into a crazy spasm. This time he traces his in circles between her lips, lingering and extra bit on her clit. He continues on pleasuring her, his fingers and his tongue working in unison. Katy comes softly with a deep whine though she does not say his name once. Harry can tell that she loves the way he touches her though, he can tell that she was thinking about him the whole time.

Later, when Katy reversed the roles, she makes sure that she teases him to the very depth. He doesn't like it but he can't help begging for her lips to fit around him, so she does. Although she had said “Don't tell me what to do!” before taking him in her mouth, she did everything he wanted. Harry comes not saying her name either. Of course once they were both done they went on as though none of the events had occurred.

The rest of that week goes on in the same manner, the both of them pleasuring each other without a recognizance hours later. When they fall into the second week it is a lazy afternoon, Katy is laying down on the sofa watching a film. Harry finds himself fitting in the space behind to hold her as she watches T.V. And that night they cuddle until they both fall asleep. Yes, like actual cuddling.

They even spend a couple of night enjoying each others company. Like when they play twister or when Harry shows off his baking skills by making a perfect rainbow cake for them to eat. At one point he manages to get icing sugar on her face, which he refused to let her remove until he licks it off and that's not the only thing he licks.

By the time it is half way through the second week of them being forced to 'live' with each other they manage to get to know each other a little while eating dinner. They conversations are still hurtful, but they are conversation regardless.

It becomes an unusual routine for them, to spend time during the day, to join each other in bed during the night and to forget their feelings the next morning. They don't take it all they way, but they did taste each other pretty much every other day. It is good enough for them though. It just.... works.

The night before the return of their mothers Katy has her head comfortably on Harry's chest and Harry has an arm wrapped around her back while the other one is linked with her fingers on his stomach. Katy has a question she has been wanting to ask for the past couple of days, though she is much too worried of the answer. Instead she just mumbles a quite “They're coming back tomorrow”.

With his free hand Harry lets his fingers run down her hair. “I know” Is all he can say. What else was he meant to say; 'Katy do you still think I'm a manwhore?' because quite frankly  that is all that he is thinking. Instead he hums an unknown yet calming tune until she falls into unconsciousness.

When the morning arrives Katy wakes up to an empty bed. Rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hand she checks the time. 12:55. 'Shit' she thinks 'mum must be home by now'. She makes it down the stairs and her predictions are spot on. Her mother is at the door seemingly waving someone a goodbye. Harry and Anne.

Katy feels a pang of pain at her chest when she realizes that Harry has left without a good bye, or anything at all. When her mother turns around though Katy manages to pull on a convincing smile to greet her mother. Her mother, of course, starts babbling about her two week get away although Katy is only half listening.

When Katy tires to call Harry late that afternoon she is left from an answer machine message. Katy is sure as hell that Harry is getting her messages too although he doesn't reply to a single one. 

Days pass and though Katy starts to hate herself for staring at her phone screen so much she just can't seem to help it. Not that she would ever admit to herself that she really likes Harry, because she surly doesn't. Certainly not Harry.

She did, however, manage to get infuriated with her mother more often for no particular reason. “This is all your fault!” She unleashes at one point though her mother is completely clueless as to what Katy is referring to.

Katy calls her best friend, Jozie, for an emergency get together. Jozie tries to comfort her and advice her though Jozie's cuddles don't seem to be half as warm or satisfying as Harry's. Jozie is, however, very quick in reminding her that Katy will have to see him in College when summer ends.

As Katy lays in bed to sleep that very night she does nothing but worry about how to confront Harry. Why was he ignoring her? Did he use her? Was he really a manwhore? Katy finds herself crying to sleep, leaving a wash of tears on her pillow. Tomorrow was going to be a new day and the first day back in college after a whole summer off. Great.


Soooo there is a little bit of a clif hanger for you! I will probably be updating tomorrow since it is a Friday and I don't have college for the weekend. Please tell me what you thought. Thank you so much for reading xx

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