Hermosa Casa

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"Where?" I exclaimed, almost tripping over my own foot to stand up. 

The person in the doorway was my other best friend. We call her Bea, as she hates her real name. She has dark brown hair that fluffs up after she gets it wet, and her eyes were the color of the leaves in summer, and they shone brightly against her deeply beige color skin. Little freckles dotted her nose, which popped out as she grinned from her spot behind the open door.

" A friend of my mom's family had this little restaurant and they offered me a job and I think I can get you one too if you come with me for their dinner rush. " She spoke quickly, pouncing excitedly.
I know what you're thinking. 

She has to be the one! Look how you talk about her!

Wrong. Two things. 

First, they don't have the same colored eyes. Dream girl has eyes the color of the sea. Bea has eyes the color of grass and trees. 

Second. Bea is my best friend. Dream girl couldn't be her.  

It just can't. Trust me on that.

" Are you sure about this?" I asked, grabbing my jacket and trying to shove my arms into it. 

" Yes I am sure! Please hurry! We can't be late!" She said as she rushed forward to grab me by the arm and pull me out of my own room. 

" How did you even get in?" I murmured as she let go of my arm to reach for the stair railing. 

" You know your mom loves me. "

" That's certainly true. " I murmured as I jumped off the final step to keep up with Bea, who was already at the front door and bounding down the lawn to her little,run down car. 

" Now, everything you need to know about the restaurant. " She was already in the driver's seat, buckled in, with the car running as I slide into the passenger seat. 

" It's a tiny little place, kind of rundown but very busy with lots of long time customers. It's family owned and the owners are this sweet couple. They have a daughter too. And you'll learn the rest when we get there. "

" And the name of this place is called?"

"Hermosa Casa, and the owners are named Erin and Carlos, they're a married couple and they have a daughter near our age, i believe her name is Hanna, but I've never met her. "

I nodded slowly, giving myself a second to let all this information sink in. 

It was a lot of information to take in.

"So, it's a Spanish restaurant?"

"Mhm. " She nodded, turning the steering wheel right, bringing us towards downtown toward the Spanish sector of our town.  " It's down in the villa too. Really homely, very close knit place. It's really nice, I think you'll love it."

I nodded, looking out the car window to watch the houses as they past. The houses changed from plastic paneled houses to small white houses with orange roofs.The stereotypical Latino village. Little kids ran down the kid walks, and people walked together, starting to gather for dinner.

As if on cue, Bea turned into a parking lot with few cars parked inside it. She pulled the car in next to a little red car. 

In front of us was an orange, one story building with what was suppose to be a mural on one side, but it was so chipped that you couldn't recognize what the art what suppose to show. At the top of the building sat a sign with half of the letters out, while the other half blinked a bright red and orange. 

"Welcome to Hermosa Casa."

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