Meet Keith

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Time makes people fear.
Fear that they didn't like you. Fear that you won't get that job. It's like when someone says 'we need to talk', and then doesn't respond.
You hope it won't be bad. But all you can do is to expect the worse, and only hope for the best.
So when a week or two go by and you still haven't heard anything, you know things aren't good.
In conclusion, I didn't get the job.
As I mulled over what I was to do next, Keith walked beside me, rambling about whichever girl he was fawning over now.
" And she's got these big brown eyes and everything. She's just perfect!"
" You say that about every girl you meet."
Keith Garner was my best friend. He's been with me since the very beginning. He's fairly smart and is a huge athlete, being the varsity lacrosse captain and all.
He's also a terrible person.
This perfect girl isn't going to last a week. He's loves them one week, then dumps them the next.
Your typical bad boy character.
" I really believe it this time, this one is going to stick."  Keith grinned, pulling the straps of his backpack.
" You say that too. " I murmured, trying to think about anything but loosing yet another job.
He shrugged, turned around to walk backwards and face me. "Hey, have you had any luck with that girl?"
As far as Keith knows, I've been texting this girl whom I met online. And that's all he's going to know. I feel he'd think that I was insane if he knew that I was chasing this unknown girl, who probably wasn't even a real person.
" Oh, yea, things are going great. Probably won't meet up for a while yet though, she's kind of scared about it so we're taking things slow. " I said, kicking a rock and watching as it skidded down the sidewalk and then rolled off and bounced into the street.
" What a prude, she's just holding back." Keith said, turning back around to walk besides me.
I frowned as I looked back over at him.
How was this guy my friend?
How was he even my best friend?
"I'll see you at school, okay man?"
" Sure, meet up with that girl soon, you deserve a good date" Keith said, grinning as he began to bound across the street to get to his house. "See you later man!"
I slowed down, watching as he disappeared into his house. He waved once more before closing the glass door behind him, disappearing until I would see or talk to him tomorrow.
After a little bit, I finally reached my house. Opening the dark blue front door, I was quickly greeted by my tiny black pooch, Link.
I leaned against the door to close it, and slide down until I was sitting on the floor. I grinned, petting the short haired dog as it shook it's bushy tail in happiness.
" I think I like you better than Keith. "
Though he couldn't understand me, he barked as if in agreement.
" Sure are quieter than him. " I murmured as I stood up. I patted his head once more before heading upstairs.
My house was what I considered to be average. Two floors, painted a simple white with a blue door and matching blue trim on the outside. The inside was mostly the same. The hallways were a similar white, as were most rooms with the exception of some rooms.
My own room was on the second floor and at the end of the brightly lit white hallway. I walked through, passing by my parents room and the storage room.
My own room was a dark green, with a single bed, a dresser, some bookshelves, and a desk.
It wasn't very much, but I liked it that way. Plus the mess I created from barely ever cleaning took up most of the space.
I closed the door behind me and tossed my backpack onto the unmade bed.
I sat down at the desk, swiveling the chair until I decide the stop procrastinating and get to homework.
Then the door opened.
" I found you a job, but you have to come with me right now!"

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