•chapter 6•

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Pov's Erika

wake up at night, I turn around and there's Ilenia. But where the hell is it?!
I get up and go to look for the large villa of Jennifer and I have to admit that it's bigger than I imagined. I hear a voice from that idiot called Jennifer, of course, who can be ? That bitch Ilenia ! But the hangover does not pass ever? Bah.
I go toward Ilene and I see that continually knocked at a door and called Jen . << But my god , I understand that you're drugged and drunk but if you feel jennifer will kill you ! >> Tell Ilenia pulling away and trying to bring it back into the room, but failing.
Ilenia keeps calling jennifer like a jerk, and I try to get her in the room, imagine the scene ..<< But that 's going on ?! What are those screams ?! Max and Emme have to go to school tomorrow !! >> jennifer says furious << And sincerely I too would like to sleep and Casper ! >> More glaring at me and Ilenia.
<<JENNIFAAAAAAAAAAHHH>> Ilenia screaming and running by jennifer saltandole upon him. I see Jennifer and Ilenia fall down stairs.
They burst out laughing and out of the room << Casper but what is happening? Because there is a 15 -year-old who is over jennifer and that has its head in her boobs ? >> Says Casper shocked
<<I have no words>> he continues looking jennifer and then I was then Ilenia
<<Help me IDIOT !!>>jennifer screams like a possessed, Casper does not respond and goes to help.
At the end we give a sleeping pill to Ilenia and we can make her sleep, after bringing Ilenia in the room I go to Jen to apologize but he was already in bed with Casper then I decide that just for tonight, I will apologize tomorrow.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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