Chapter 1

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"Alright, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury. Also expensive." Stiles announces. "What about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, we could try Nob Hill. But the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches." Stiles says. "You're bringing the Jeep?" Scott questions. "You know the plan, okay. No one gets left behind. That's the plan. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF. Malia's uh gonna, you know, she'll figure something out, okay. The plan's perfect." Stiles states.

"Or we could also wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live." Scott says. "I have a vision dude. Okay? And it's a beautiful vision. Don't ruin the vision." Stiles replies. "What else do you have?" I ask.

"Okay, we can check out the East Bay. Haven't looked at Oakland yet, you know. You alright? Starting to feel it?" Stiles questions. "No. Just thinking." Scott answers. "About what?" I ask. "Senior year." Scott replies.

"Senior year, come on, that's, that's nothing. That's going to be easy." Stiles assures. "It's more like something Deaton told me once. You ever hear of regression to the mean?" Scott asks. "I don't think so." Stiles answers.

"It was his way of saying that life can't ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually things have to come back to the middle. So, think about the last few months. Things have been good right? But not amazing." Scott states.

"Yeah, but no one's tried to kill us in six months either." Stiles interjects. "Right. We've been pretty much in the middle for awhile. Which means, at some point, the scale has to tip one way or the other. Thing are gonna get really good." Scott starts.

"Or really bad." Stiles finches. "Every time the scale tips, it's always been horrible. I think it's about time for life to get really good again." I state. "Think it's been long enough?" Stiles asks. "Yes!" Liam interrupts.

"Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation over here." Stiles scolds. "Alright, you're two years older than me. And I'm fine. Just let me go." Liam pleads pulling on the chains. We all walk over to the restless teen wolf.

"It's not that we don't trust you." Scott says. "It's that I don't trust you." Stiles interjects. "But after that last full moon-" I start. "It was one slip up." Liam argues. "Slip up? A dozen calls to the sheriff's department about a 'monsters dog boy' running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked. That's a slip up?" Stiles scoffs.

"Why were you naked?" Scott questions. "It was really hot out that night, okay. Let me go." Liam defends. "You sure you're okay?" Scott asks. "It won't happen again." Liam assures. "You're in complete and total control?" Scott questions.

"Complete and total." Liam answers. We unlock his chains and get in the Jeep. We are on our way to pick up Malia and then drop Liam off at the hospital. "Is it a party?" Liam asks. "It's not a party." Scott denies.

"Then what's at midnight?" Liam questions. "Your bedtime." Stiles answers. "I swear to God you're his parents." I comment. "What?" Scott asks. "In the whole, if our pack was a family thing. I have this all figured out. Liam is Stiles and your kid. Malia is Stiles and mine. Lydia and Kira are the fun aunts." I explain.

"You have way too much time on your hands." Scott comments. "Why aren't the others going?" Liam asks. "They're meeting us there okay? And just stop asking questions alright? It's a senior thing. You'll know when you're a senior." Stiles states.

"You guys having trouble with your phones?" I ask. The Jeep stalls out. "What the hell?" Stiles questions. "You out of gas?" Liam asks. "No. It's electrical. Probably the alternator again." Stiles says getting out of the car.

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