Chapter 24

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Third Person POV:

Lia stands in the doorway, completely stunned. "Klaus, what are you doing here?"

A shuffling and crash resounds from the kitchen. "Wait, Klaus?" Stiles asks, stumbling into the room.

"In the flesh," Klaus says. He holds out a bottle of wine and a leather bound book. "I come bearing gifts."

"What the hell is that?" Stiles walks closer to them, trying to insert himself in between the two. There's no reason to, the boundary on the door leaves it so he can't get close until he's invited in.

Lia's eyes go wide. "Is that what I think it is?" she asks.

Klaus smirks. "You asked for a grimoire, love. I delivered. Though, you could've just asked me directly instead of pestering my dear little sister about it."

"I figured you'd be busy changing diapers or fighting with Hayley over who loves your kid more," Lia explains.

Klaus' face falls, and his eyes lose their light. "I'm afraid my daughter is no longer with us."

"Oh, Klaus." She throws herself across the threshold into his arms, gripping him extremely tight. "I'm so sorry."

Her breath tickles his neck and he feels something for the first time in weeks. Klaus wants to tell her the truth, but it's safer for both Lia and his daughter that she stays in the dark. Stiles stands there, frozen. The conflicting feelings of watching the girl he loves in another man's arms and the fact that he actually feels sympathy for the devil keep Stiles rooted in place.

Scott makes his way to the living room and puts a hand on Stiles' shoulder, taking his attention away from Lia and Klaus. Scott gives him a knowing look, the same one he shared with Lia on the night they rescued Lydia from Eichen House.

"It seems the world wasn't quite ready for my littlest wolf." Klaus breaks the hug and clears his throat. "But talking about this isn't what I came here for. I'm dealing with the responsible parties limb after limb. I came here to help you find some answers."

"Right. Do you know anything about The Beast of Gevaudan?" Lia asks.

"I know plenty. Now, if someone would be so kind as to invite me in, I'd love to let you know all about it," Klaus replies.

Lia looks to Scott who seems hesitant. "Come on, now. I don't bite... much," Klaus says.

"So, we're just gonna trust him? After all the psycho shit you've told us about him? Didn't he kill your aunt?" Stiles questions, throwing his arms up.

Lia winces when an image of Carol Lockwood pops into her head, along with the memory of the aftermath.

Klaus hasn't fully finished packing his bags for the trip he's planned up to the Gilbert cabin. The door swings open and slams. Someone's mad, he thinks to himself. After a moment, a familiar perfume hits his nose. It isn't Tyler. It's Lia.

"Need something?" he asks without turning around. Before he knows it, some wooden plank is being shoved through his back, knocking the wind out of him. A foot is pressed against his spine kicking him to the ground.

Klaus has to admit it, she's bold. He'll give her that. She actually caught him off guard. "You killed them. You killed them all!" she yells. She kicks the side of his face, flipping him over so he gets a glimpse of her.

She's still dressed in black. She must've come straight from Carol's wake. It isn't even supposed to be over yet, so she might not have even made it there at all. "You even killed her. She was innocent!"

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