Marshall grabs his bass and starts playing Over The Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin. I slowly bob my head and Fionna takes a bite of ice cream.
I grab a chip and shove it into my mouth. Marshall closes his eyes and leans back. He seems to know the song well. I start to sing along quietly and fiddle with my sweater.
Fionna lies down and puts her face in my pillow. I run my hands through her hair and she seems to loosen up. I smile and rest my head on Marshall's shoulder.
"I need a girlfriend" Fionna says, her voice is muffled. "Im gonna be honest, you do" Marshall says. I nod and look up.
"I kinda wanna get back together with you know who..." she says quietly. "After what she did to you? I think not" I say.
"Im gonna do it"