Chapter 2- "What do you think of Ross?"

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Chapter 2-  "What do you think of Ross?" 

"Please just be careful, Laura." Raini says, stopping by my locker at the end up the day. 

I gave her a 'Seriously?' Look.  "I'll be fine, don't worry. He doesn't even know me!" I told her in a reassuring voice. 

She just nods and looks down, avoiding my eyes. "He probably wasn't even looking at me." I add. 

Raini sighs and shakes her head, looking back at up me. 

"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly. I waved it off and grabbed my things from lockers. 

* * * 

Throughout the whole car ride I only thought of one subject. And I didn't like it. 

Why was Ross staring at me out of all the people in school me? And when he's sitting next Maia? 

It bugged me more than it should have. He doesn't want me! He's Ross Lynch! He can get any girl! He can break Maia's little heart for all I care! 

But he's not getting his hands on mine! I won't allow him to come into my life like that! 

 "Laura!" Raini yells, tapping on my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. 

"Sorry." I quickly apologized. I glanced at my house then back at her. "Um.. are you coming in?" I asked, gesturing towards the house.

"Yes." She replied. We got out of the car and walked towards the house. 

I unlocked the door and we both went inside. I got out stuff to make sandwiches for a snack. 

When we finished making them and sat down in the living room. 

We pulled out our homework and started exchanging answers and working. 

* * *

"So..." Raini started with and awkward tone in her voice. I looked up and raised and eyebrow at her.  "what do you think of Ross?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't think anything of him, but the fact I know what he really is." I replied, avoiding her eyes. I thought a little about him. Not much. I didn't even know the guy. 

"That's what they always say." Raini mumbled and stifled a laugh. I glared at her before turning to pack up my things to be ready and organized for tomorrow. 

Raini settled on the couch and turned the TV  on, flipping through the channels. 

I put my book-bag upstairs, grabbing my phone before coming downstairs.

Raini had her feet propped up on the table, ignoring the TV and looking down at her phone. he was smiling and texting back a reply. 

I waited a few minutes by the doorway watching her. 

Eventually curiosity got the best of me and I cleared my throat. 

Her head shot in my direction and her eyes widened, alarmed by my presence. 

"You've got some explaining to do." I said smiling. 



oohhhh who's Raini texting?! :O Haha lol.. so, who do you think? 

Ross or one of the Lynch's or... someone else? (You can leave your guesses in the comments if you'd like) 

So, there's the second chapter! Yay! 

Sorry for the long wait, I didn't really know what to do for this chapter, and I was working on a few others. 

Anyways, Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon. 

I can't update this weekend though because I have two parties to go too. (Shocking, Right?) 

Anyways, I Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Comment and vote if you'd like! 

See you next update! 


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