Upside Becomes Downside

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A/N: Say hello to Riley ^^^
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No longer than thirty minutes, I hustle into the elevator of the UCPD's first floor. The first floor was oddly quite so I figured there must be some huge important meeting happening in the conference room. I hit the eleventh floor button, watching the small plastic circle light up. Before the elevator doors close, a foot is thrown between the slim opening and the doors slide open again. A tall ginger man dressed like an investigator enters the enclosed space. He glances at the buttons and nods before waiting for the elevator door to close.

I stare at the floor numbers increase slowly. The cliche elevator music play in the small space. My eyes flick to the corner to observe the guy standing next to me. I admit I'm bi and I'm not secretive about it. Anyone that looks appealing catches my eye. The man looked professional compared to my last minute throw-on attire. I've never seen him around here before, making me wonder why the man was traveling to the same floor as I was. Did chief call for more help from other areas nearby?

A stubble makes his face look more manly. I could never pull a stubble without being teased by my coworkers. I couldn't understand their need to remind me how baby-face I looked for my age (31); I blame my mom's Asian genes. My right hand fiddles with the side of my coat, impatiently waiting for the elevator to reach pass the sixth floor. The longer I stay here, the more I want to stare at the stranger.

As if sending my anxiety, the guy speaks up, "You are going to the meeting too?" I turn my head with a puzzled expression to face him fully- and wow those are some striking hazel eyes. A red brow lifts at my unusually long reply. I blink, glancing away from his gaze. "Uh. Yes. Wasn't it obvious?" Now, that didn't sound the way I wanted it to sound. Oh boy.

I spot him wince at my blunt unfriendly reply. I had the urge to slap my hand over my face at my horrid social skills. My coworker and friend George told me before on how cringe-worthy my "people" skills were. I remember, whenever I was assigned a case with him, he would prevent me from talking  with the really broken victims. George said I would be so blunt with how their loved one died or how unenthusiastic I was with the case that it would lead to tears for the sensitive victims. He did tell me not to worry about, believing it was because I have been desensitized by the pathetic crimes I have solved.

Handsome stranger replies, "Well aren't you a bucket full of sunshine. Did you sleep on the wrong side of the bed today, man?" I lock eyes with him again, scowling at his remark. I didn't want to antagonize him, seeing that I was the one coming off unfriendly. I'm sorry I'm not a morning person specially on my supposed day off.

I keep silent, waiting for the elevator to finally reach the designated floor. A light bing is emitted from the elevator and the doors slide open. The stranger moved first, placing an unnecessary hand on my shoulder before exiting. A catch a whiff of cigarettes and a citrusy scent. My lips part slightly, in awe before I shaking off that weird feeling building in me. I follow a couple of feet away from the tall ginger- speaking of tall, the guys probably was around six feet because he stands over me a good few inches to my five foot ten height.

As if waiting for me, he opens the door and motions for me to enter first. I scrunch up my face in confusion before going in. I wasn't going to bother with the action; the chief wouldn't like me wasting more time than I already have.

"Ah, Riley. Over here," says George. He sits at the tables closers to the windows. Morning light pours into the room, reminding me that I should be in bed and not at work. Oh well. I make my way to George, giving a nod to the chief before taking my seat by him. He chuckles, "Hey man, sorry you gotta be here on your day off. I heard this is going to be a big case though so that's why the whole homicide division is working on this."

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