A Different Taste

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Eric's POV:

After getting the two girls comfortable in a nearby hotel from Fangtasia, Godric and I stood by the door deciding to have a chat. We both knew there was something different about the two girls we just met... Something funny... We spoke in low voices, soon we would need to leave them anyways because the sun was high near the horizon. "We will be able to detect where they go now, so if they decide to run it will be useless. The girl I held tonight, her blood is similar to the smell of Sookie's. You remember me telling you about her right?" I spoke to Godric as we headed away from the hotel doors slowly. "She might be of use to us..." Godric nodded.

"Surely we don't have another telepath on our hands." Godric spoke...

Kerrigan's POV:

I listened in on Eric and Godric's conversation and Kennedy was next to me. I whispered softly, "Ken we gotta go." She nodded and I heard them coming. We moved back to our positions and we looked at each other. My heart was racing. As the door opened the two vampires walked in and Eric gave a creepy smile towards us.

"Going somewhere?" Eric asked us as he walked towards me. Godric stood by the door, shutting it.

"Home would be nice." Kennedy snapped at them. Eric clenched his jaw in anger.

"Not until we say you are." Eric told us. "Now. Let me see here if I got this right. Your Kerrigan, and she is Kennedy right?" Eric asked me. I nodded slowly. "Your going to give me a brief description of yourselves... Now." He exposed his fangs in hope to scare us. "Are you fangbangers?" He asked.

"No... We have never been with a vampire before." I answered softly.

"We only came to Fangtasia because of our friend, Sookie was talking about it so we was curious." Kennedy added on. Eric raised an eye brow.

"Sookie? Sookie Stackhouse? You two know her?" Eric asked giving us another creepy smile.

"Yes, all three of us work together. I have a few things to deal with her... As in... Personal...issues." I told Eric.

"You know Sookie aswell?" Kennedy asked.

"Yes, I known her for a while through Bill Compton. You must know him if you know her."

"Yes we know him, he comes in Merlottes often." Kennedy told him. Eric looked interested in us as the seconds passed by.

"What are you?" He asked us.

"Why are you wanting to know?" Kennedy asked.

"Well you know what Godric and I are, but we are not sure what you two are. I know you smell similar to Sookie." He was pointing out to me with his words. I looked at him with a nasty glare.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I hissed out.

"We are humans." Snapped Kennedy.

"But you smell different." Godric spoke up for the first time in a while.

"And your point is?" Kennedy asked. Godric was near her in an instant and grabbed her wrist pulling close to his body.

"I like you, that's my point." He told her and she blushed a bright red.

"What kind of game are you two getting at?" I asked quickly and yanked Kennedy away from him. "Leave us alone, we are only humans."

"No your more then just a human, I know for fact that you my dear must be a telepath like Sookie because you both smell alike. So what is your friend here?" Eric asked as he then looked towards Kennedy. Godric and Eric hovered over us wanting answers. Will she tell them? She never told anyone before but Sookie and I, but that is just from us peeking into her mind here and there. I won't tell them, it is up to her. AND, how the fuck does he know about Sookie's abilities? Bill... I swear to god I knew he wasn't anything but trouble. Oh fuck brains. "Well?" Eric asked impatiantly and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. 

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