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i thought about you last night.

Harry was still half asleep when Josephine woke him up complaining about how badly she wanted to leave. He was still half asleep when she dropped him off at his apartment so early in the morning.

He slipped while taking a shower. That kind of woke him up, but after a moment of steadying himself and standing under the warm water, he was back to being tired. Harry was tired when he took some Asprin for his still-there hangover, and he was still tired when he was seated behind his desk at work.

He was thankful that not that many students followed through with their appointments with him.

He was so close to dropping his head on his desk from the lull of tire he felt when the door to his office swung open. He didn't bother lifting his head, grateful that the students in the school were blind and couldn't call him out for being lazy since they couldn't see him.

"Sorry I'm late."

He hummed, recognizing the small voice as fourteen year-old Susan. Susan needed counseling because she didn't try to learn. She was full of excuses and her teachers didn't have the patience to deal with her. He stood up and walked over to her slowly, his foot hitting against the desk as he passed.

Harry shrugged off the fact that he hadn't bumped into anything since the day he got the office, and held out his hands cautiously to grab the stand Susan was holding. A replica of a human body's top half.

When they were both situated across from each other with the model between them, Harry let out a sigh and tried to mentally prepare himself for the lesson.

"Put your hands here," he guided Susan's small hands to the mock body's chest that was wide open. He taught students hands-on when it was obvious they had trouble learning through their auditory senses. The little girl's hands were brought to what was supposed to be the left lung. "This is the cardiac notch."

"I thought it was suppose to be on the left lung's side."

He sighed and brought her finger to the Braille spelling, 'left lung,' and then went back to showing her the little nudge in the chest between the left lung and heart. "Left is right, and right is left. Do you know why there's a cardiac notch here?"

Susan let out a breath and he tried to relax his shoulders. It was a sigh of contempt and he was trying to encourage her the best he could, though she wasn't making it easier for him. She was his hardest student, only barely grasping ideas and knowledge before her attention drifted away to something that she didn't have much trouble understanding. She had her moments where she'd just blank out and clench her hands so they didn't have to touch anything.

"It's fine," Harry reassured her after a moment of silence. "It's okay, that's what I'm here for." It wasn't. Harry didn't get paid for teaching actual class lessons. He got paid for counseling. He got paid for making sure the children enrolled were safe inside and outside of school, but watching students fail in a class he knew seemed inconsiderate of him. If he could help, he promised himself he'd help.

She nodded and he took her hands again.

"Don't worry, we'll get this right. The left lung is more thin than the right one because it needs to make space for the heart."

Susan hummed in affirmation but Harry wasn't quite sure if he could trust her. She promised him she understood last week's lesson and her teacher found him a day after the unit test holding the results.

She got a 30%, which was less than her original average. Harry swore he wouldn't trust Susan much when she said most things.

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