Chapter One

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Oh man I'm gonna be sooooooo late for the meeting I can't believe that I'm going to be late! How could this happen to me? I have a very important meeting to get to in fifteen minutes. And I have half a block to go before I get there. Oh, why hadn't I taken a cab like Lucy suggested? Now I'll probably be late and sweaty when I get there...
But I really wanted the coffee that only sells in the corner at the bend where no vehicle ventured on a regular basis.
Now I was running through the crowd in my four inch red suede stiletto shoes that had a strap around my ankles. I was dressed in a black pencil skirt that felt like a second skin in a good way and I had on a brown blouse that had a smooth stretchy feel to it and no it was not sleeveless it had a long sleeve that showed that I was not trying to impress anyone even though my secretary, Lucy told me that the CEO of the company I'm going to meet is and I quote "HOTTER than a coal pot on the stove".
I really had to chuckle at that because it sounded funny; and I knew that she didn't like my current boyfriend, Kyle so she wanted to set me up with someone who she thought was better.


Anyways as I was saying; so I'm on my way to the building called Charles Enterprise. It's a very successful company that I wish to do business with so I have to get there on time but because of a little incident where I collided into a man and my hot coffee got all over his hot coffee, I meant all over his clothes, that did include his pants by the way and I had to stop and apologize to him profusely and see how I could help him. That took about five minutes out of my time plus a few extra since I couldn't stop staring at him. The man was gorgeous as in ice cream melting licking good... oh my gosh I have Kyle I can't be thinking about another man. But man that dark silky hair, those blue, aquamarinic ocean eyes, the perfect chiselled chin with smooth creme skin that trailed all the way down the white collar of his dress shirt and black jacket suit.

Back to reality Saph...

I realized that I was finally at the main entrance with only three minutes to go, I rushed to the front desk and asked the blonde where I could find the meeting and she asked me if I had an appointment with Mr. Sanders. I felt like I was about to explode because I just asked her about the meeting place I was about to turn red with steams evaporating from my ears when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and I saw the blonde's face change from a frown to a what she probably thought was a dazzling smile. I wanted to barf at it but I was distracted when I spun around and found out that the gentle hand belonged to the hottie that I had the little incident with. I gasp in horror as I saw him and started to apologize again for the umpteenth time. He however just started to do that sexy chuckle of his that made angels sing and told me that it was ok, he was fine and I should not worry about it. I felt heat rise to fill my two cheeks, then I remembered that I was late. I told him that I was really sorry but I'm late for a meeting and he said that he would escort me. I asked him if he worked in the building and he smiled showing his straight white teeth then said yes. I was grateful when he pointed to a glass door and said "just go through those glass doors and you'll be in the meeting place. Will you please excuse me now", I thanked him again for his hospitality and pushed the doors with a bit of difficulty. I probably should mention the fact that I do NOT work out. A good exercise for me is walking from the subway to work which is about a block or so away. My favourite workout is called the hinge bite. This where I get my snacks dip my hand in the bag then slowly raise it to my mouth the force and weight of the snacks is what helps build my muscles and the biting part exercises my jaws so they are fit for "kissing" yeah. I actually love to kiss it's one of my specialties.

Well back to the current situation. I burst through the doors as graceful as I can but this is difficult due to the fact that I realise my feet are shaking from the little unwanted exercise that I did a while ago. I shakily make my way to seat in a chair at the front then waited for Mr. Sanders to arrive so we could start the meeting. I thought he would have been here already since he actually owns the building. I looked around at the board members sitting in their stiff suits in dull colours like brown, ick!

I was pondering how I was going to make my presentation persuasive when I heard someone say, "He's finally here. About time." I looked up to see none other than Mr. Hot Guy himself dressed in a black jacket suit with a white shirt underneath and a blue tie that makes his eyes look seductive and dreamy. I think I felt a little liquid moving on my chin... Snap out of it Sapphire! You have a presentation to do for a hot dude I mean boss I mean the CEO of Charles Enterprise. Yeah that's it a very powerful, hot, sexy man... couldn't help that comment. Well this is certainly going to be a long meeting... oh boy!

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