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"I'm afraid that one day, you and I will become strangers with memories again. I'm afraid that one day, you're going to leave my life and either leave me without telling me, or leave me a letter that will crush me. Even though you constantly remind me that you are here to stay and will never leave my side, I get a bit more worried just thinking about you leaving me."

"Then just stop caring. Stop loving me. Stop acting like I'm everything to you, if obviously I'm not." She tries to not yell.

"It's not that simply. I can't forget you, I know you want me to, but I just can't."

"Why not?"

I sighed as the cold night breeze hit us, "because you're one of the few people I've encountered who understand and love me for me. I lost you once, I don't plan on letting that happen again."

She looked at me and with all her will, she swallowed the lump in her throat and said "Then I guess you will have to learn to let go."


People come and go. You never want to hurt the ones you love, nor do you ever want them to hurt you. They say friendship is more important than a relationship. They say that you should find your happiness and never let go of it, but what do you do when your happiness is your relationship and your friendship? Do you let go of both?

We are told daily, from when we were ten up until we turn fifthy, that life is too short and to have no regrets. To do as we please because we never know if tomorrow will arrive. We live in constant fear because society tells us to do what we want or we will regret it when our time comes, then have to face some kind of consequences.

Are those risks even worth it? Because even while you're trying to get ahold of what makes you happy, you tend to lose yourself along the way.

Even if it seems like it's your grand price, you learn that nothing is forever. You also learn that just because you think you're happy with someone else, means you aren't always happy with yourself. You think back to how you were and how you started before you began this horrid adventurous and unwanted exploration, called life. Then you realize how much you have changed throughout the way.

You see that you've tried so hard to fix those who are broken, while slowly destroying yourself. Is it really worth it, though?

Even if tomorrow never comes?

Even if you lose everything to keep the one thing holding you together?

If Tomorrow Never ComesWhere stories live. Discover now