Drunk Confessions: an Newt (TMR) Imagine

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Pairing: Newt and Reader
Fandom: The Maze Runner
Warnings: None I can think of
Useful Tips: E/C= eye colour, H/L= hair length, H/C= hair colour, Y/N= your name,


You were the only girl in the Glade and it's tough being the only one too. And that is dealing with boys flirting with you or they try to embarrass you. Sometimes you just wish that there was another girl here. But the main problem was... Newt. He wasn't a bad problem like you hated him or some what. But you have the biggest crush on him. Like come on seriously who wouldn't love him? His British accent drives you wild, his charming smile is like the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen, his chocolate brown eyes are like staring into wonder and hope, his laughter sounds like angels singing to your ears, his dirty blond hair is just sexy especially how it falls naturally. He was everything you asked for. But one thing that breaks you is that...he doesn't like you back. Every time you look at him you just know that he doesn't like you back. And it breaks your heart into pieces.

You sat on a bench staring at Newt but remembering that he could never like you. You sighed as you took a drink of water.

"You're really in love with him, aren't you?" Minho whispers to you as you realised what he had said. You didn't mention it to anyone so how does he know? You bite your lip nervously as you turned seeing Minho with a smug smirk on his face.

"How do you know?" You asked him in a harsh whisper. He gave a look saying 'are you serious?'.

"You said that he has better hair than me." He pout as you rolled your E/C eyes. But how did he know that you liked him by just saying that. Yet it was true, Newt does have better hair than Minho though. But why does he care if Newt has better hair than him?

"So? It's true?" You told him in a harsh whisper. He rolled his eyes as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Well, they say that love is blind and truly, you are blind!" He whispers harshly back at you as you gave him a confused glare. Was he jealous?

You smirked at the feeling of Minho being jealous. It was kinda funny though.

"But if you want, I can help you to get together, if you want?" He asked you as you stared at him in shock.

Wait did he want to help you to be with Newt? Why? Wouldn't he just embarrass you in front of Newt? You bite your lip in nervousness because you weren't sure if he was joking or being serious. 

"Why should I trust you?" You asked him in a tone as he laughed.

"Because you're obviously not going anywhere, and me and Minho can just ask him if he likes anyone." Thomas has joined in the conversation as you started to blush deeply now. You slapped your forehead in embarrassment as Thomas over heard you and Minho.

"Seriously Thomas! But...fine, just...don't do anything stupid or making me regret this even happening, got it!" You told them both as they both nodded with a smirk on both of there faces. And then they were off.

Maybe this was a bad idea?


Newt was staring at the most beautiful girl his ever seen well he never seen a girl. But the way your H/L H/C falls naturally. How your E/C would sparkle like stars in the night as you would show off your perfect smile and laughter...oh your laughter sounded like music to his ears. How your S/C reflects off the sun light making you look even more beautiful. He smiles when you smile. He loves everything about you because what's not to love? You are drop dead gorgeous, funny, smart, loyal, trustworthy, it was like you were made for loving him. It was like you were made from the heavens and the gods. But one thing stopped him. He knew that you didn't love him back. His heart breaks when he sees you laughing with out him.

"Oi, Newt!" He turned around seeing Minho and Thomas. What did they want now? Newt turned around to face the boys. He folded his arms across his chest and once the boys caught up with him, Newt raised an brow.

"What do you bloody Shanks want now?" Newt asked as he saw a smirk appeared on Minho's lips. Newt knew that Minho was up to something but what was he planing?

"You know...I heard a rumor going around saying that you have a *thang* for Y/N." Minho said. Newt's dark brown eyes widen.

"How did you know? Who is bloody spreadin' it? I swear Minho if this is one of your bloody games." Newt said in a pissed tone. He was already about to go off his nut because of the rumor of Newt having a *thang* for you, yet he does, but how did the rumour go around in the first place? He didn't tell anyone.

"Jeez calm down...there's no rumor but I did notice when you try to flirt with Y/N. It's funny how you lose your coolness around her." Minho explains as he giggled. Newt sighed as he knew he was telling the truth.

"You mean it's bloody annoyin', I can't even compliment her with out stuffin' up!" Newt said honestly as he sighed in defeat. It was true every time he would approach you he would mess up. He blames himself for not being confident enough to approach you. And yet Minho was teasing him.

"Well have no fear, Minho is here along side with Thomas my sidekick. How about we help you to get with Y/N...If you want though?" Minho asked as he wiggled his eye brows up and down as Newt frowned. Would this be a great idea? Letting these two Shanks to help you and Newt to be together?

"Fine...But if you bloody mess this up you wish that you died in the Maze!" Newt said as they nodded in response and ran off. Maybe this wasn't a great idea?


As night fell the boys have made a fire and Minho and Thomas had decided to give you and Newt a drink. At first you weren't sure but you did needed some stress off of you. 

After a few drinks you couldn't tell which is reality or not. But you didn't care you were having a blast. You looked over towards Newt and saw the biggest smile that you've ever seen. It made you smile.

"I love you, especially when you smile." You said out loud as Newt turned around with a shock face. Your eyes widen as you finally realised what you have said. Your face turned a deep shade of red. You wish that you could run into the maze and died in there just now but the gates were shut.

"Did you say that...you loved me?" He asked with a shocked expression on his face. This is when you needed to die in a hole right now. Why did you say that out loud you thought as you looked down biting your lip. You nodded in response as you waited for rejection. But only silence was your answer, the tension was thick that you could hardly breathe. You felt hot tears burning through your eyes.

Until you felt a pair of lips against your own. In shock you opened your eyes seeing Newt...Newt's lips against yours. Your heart starting to beat as it was about to burst. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't believe it...Newt has feelings back. You smiled as you kissed him back. You broke apart for needed air.

"Newt, you should be sent to the slammer." You said as a smirked appeared on your face. A confused Newt looked at you with confusion.

"Why Love?" He asked as you giggled.

"Because, there's a rule against hurting another Glader. And you make my heart ache!" You giggled as he smiled widely.

"Oh really? Well then...you should be the keeper for the Med Jacks!" Newt said as you giggled wondering why?

"Why?" You asked as you giggled as a wide smile appeared on Newt's face.

"Because you can heal all of my wounds with just a smile and I feel alive again." Newt said as you laughed as you feel against his shoulder. You couldn't care less even though you were drunk and Newt likes you...you felt...happy.

"They won't remember this in the morning, right?" Thomas asked Minho as they stared at you two lovebirds. Minho laughed as he was surprised and amused.

"You know what Thomas? We should get them drunk more often so they can definitely won't forget the next morning."

(A:N hey guys so that was an Newt (TMR) Imagine. I hoped you enjoyed it and i'm sorry if the characters are not right, sorry if this sucked and sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammar).

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