HTR: Chapter 1~ The Haunted Apple

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          Grunts filled the air. The sweaty, salty smell of the football players mingled with the humid pressure of the air and the pounding of cleats on the track. The players’ football gear crashed and clanked like knights in suits of armor as they bashed into each other, wrestling for the old, worn ball. Yes, I was at the football field; the perfect place for me, aka the least dated high schooler ever, to pick up a cocky brainless jock to take me to dinner and prove my friends wrong; I could so get a date for this Friday night.

          My eyes scanned the field, searching for the biggest body; people would know immediately that he was a football player and that I, Chevy Jones, had (sort of…) won the bet! Take that, losers!

          I finally picked out one that was the largest of all the brutes, and, from what I had heard of his conversation about football math play stuff (I really don't know), one of the smartest, too. That was very good. Striding up to him confidently, I tapped him on his large, sweaty, padded shoulder. When he turned, his green handsome eyes meeting mine, I told him this: “You’re going to take me out to dinner on Friday night and be my boyfriend for a while.” And that’s how my twisted romance tale fit for an unlucky princess started.


          Cynthia slammed her lunch tray down next to mine, causing me to jump a foot into the air. Before I could tell her off for almost giving me angina, she began to yell at me.

          “Chevy Renee Jones! You are a single hormonal teenage girl, so what did I hear today about you turning down Matt Bernard for a date this Friday?”

          I sighed, swiveling around in my chair and picking up a Granny Smith green apple, taking a large, crunchy bite out of the juicy goodness. Thank you, Granny. “You already told me the whole story, so I bet you know it already, sheesh.”

          Cynthia harrumphed. “Girl, you need to get a boyfriend! Matt could’ve asked anyone out, but he picked you, lucky, and you turned him down! What are you, seventeen, never looked twice at a handsome, completely hot guy, never kissed anyone, never even blushed at a jock’s wink, never been on a single outing, much less date with a guy; you need a romantic social life, like me! I’ve been on more dates and dumped more guys than… man you don’t do much… whatever you do times five. Seriously, I bet you can’t bat your eyelashes or flirt with anyone!”

          I frowned, slightly insulted. “Cyn, you know I love you, but seriously, you need to stop butting your nose into my love life. I’m perfectly happy being single. It’s what I was made to be. And really, I can so get a date; I just prefer being alone in life, date-wise. Plus, Matt is like nine feet tall, tucks his shirt into his too-short basketball shorts, and from what I’ve heard, has thick hair on his back. So if you wanted to date HIM, out of all people, go ahead! Just butt out, please.” Okay, I was a little blunt there and was probably about to be set up for something I would probably regret.

          “Ah-ha! Yeah, right. You couldn’t get a date to save your life.” Another one of my so-called friends, Amanda (or who I not-so-affectionately called “Mandy”) snorted as she heard my rant. Amanda slammed her tray onto the table, causing me to jump once again. “Really, people, you’re going to be the death of me!” I scowled as my heart rate spiked and then took another noisy bite out of my very crunchy apple. Cynthia dramatically sighed, grabbed my apple, and threw it across the school cafeteria, hitting some poor junior in the head. I gave her a puppy dog look. “My apple!”

          Cynthia rolled her eyes and flipped her bright red hair over her shoulder with a swish that could give anyone a burn. “You’re an apple, gosh. And focus on the subject here! You need to get a date. I bet you two hundred bucks you can’t get a guy to take you to dinner this Friday night, and be your boyfriend for a whole month without going insane, being dumped, or breaking up with him.” Amanda nodded her head in agreement. “Really, Chevy. I’ll throw in another one hundred.”

          My eyes widened. “Three… hundred… bucks?!” I was very broke right now, and owed my annoying ka-zillion-dollar brother at least one hundred. Cynthia and Amanda might just be my saviors. And all I had to do was court a guy for a month, then dump him and I’d be debt-free and have Cyn and Amanda’s respect. They would lay off it, too. I turned toward her and smirked. “Consider yourself minus two hundred bucks, missy.” I turned to Amanda. I knew that she didn’t have a penny on her. “And, Mandy, get ready to sell all of your valuables.”

          It was so on. Just one month from now had become an important day in my life, when I could dump that guy and get on with my life, three hundred dollars weighing down my pocket.


          I crept up behind the lockers, ninja-style, and banged my elbow on the corner of the open one I was currently sneaking around. “Ow!” I grunted, rubbing my sore elbow and sneaking a peek around the locker. I jerked my head back around as I saw Kyle (his last name was Callao, I thought, since I snuck a look at some football sheet and it said Callao as quarterback), the jock I had earlier asked out, look my way.

          Really, what’s with me? I asked myself. I was all miss confident and just ran up and asked him out, and now I can’t go talk to him about where he wanted to go?! Coward, pathetic wimp, you.

          “Hey. Are you… okay?” I snuck up a peek to see Kyle look at me, slightly concerned and confused, from the look on his face. Uh-oh, I probably had on my thinking face that looked like I was constipated. Real flattering, Chevy, nice going. Bet that really attracts a guy’s attention.

          “Um, yes, I’m fine, just thinking about where you wanted to go for our… d-date Friday,” I stammered, mentally slapping myself. I was such a smooth talker.

          “Would you like to go on a movie with me, Chevy?” He asked, smiling as I blushed a very attractive tomato red.

          “Well, what do you say?” he asked again. I smiled at him, flattered.


{A/N: this is a whole different type of story than I'm used to. I have high hopes for it though, please please please tell me if you like it by dropping a comment or clicking that vote button! If you do, I'll pick the best comment to dedicate the next chapter to on here! Comments, thoughts, constructive critism (that's preferably nice)? Dedicated to sunshineluver because she's awesome and weird (in a good way!). Check out her story, My Life as a Teenage Superhero. I love it, and you will too! I'll update probably every week, earlier if you show the love to me! I wasn't going to put this up until I was finished, but oh well. Keep on reading, please! The plot will develop and hopefully soar! :) ~ridingrl}

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