HTR: Ch. 12~ Carnival

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Honey cakes, i'm taking you to the carnival tomorrow night. Dress casual and meet me @ my house @ 7. Kyle.

Great, another date with Kyle. I stood up suddenly and marched over to my calendar, counting the x's. I only had 12 days left until my bet ended.

I sighed and grinned. What could possibly happen in the, what, two more dates Kyle took me on?

I was going to get three hundred dollars!

Chapter 10:

I woke up late the next day to my phone buzzing. Moaning at the interruption of my deep sleep, I blearily rubbed my eyes and picked up on the last ring without looking at the caller ID.

"Hullo this is Chevy," I muttered, stumbling out of bed.

"Chevy, we need to talk."

I tilted my head, waking up. "Sydney? How'd you get my number?"

"Amanda gave it to me. Meet me at the Starbucks near our school."

"Um... okay?"

"Be there in ten." With that, she hung up, and I was left staring at my phone for the next minute, my foggy mind slow in the morning. Sydney wanted to see me...

I sighed and moved to take a shower then frowned. She said... ten minutes...right?

Oh, wow. It took me almost ten minutes to drive there. Great. Sydney was all about punctuality. She was going to have my head, before she chewed me out about how being late can get you into habits, yada yada yada.

I threw on the first thing I could grab and walked out the door.


"Hey, Sydney," I winced at the black-haired beauty tapping her foot impatiently in front of me. She flipped her wavy hair over one shoulder and gave me a fake smile. I was suddenly self concious of the fact that I wasn't wearing makeup, I could feel a zit forming on the tip of my chin, and my hair was messily pulled up on top of my head. Wonderful.

"Chevy, hello, you're late. Come, sit." She pulled out a chair and placed a cup in front of me.

"Sorry, I was sleeping." I nodded my thanks.

"At eleven?"

"Yeah, didn't sleep well." I sighed and  took a sip, doing a spit-take and wrinkling my nose.

"You don't like coffee?" she questioned, grimacing as she wiped a fleck of spit-coffee off of her high cheekbones.

"Uh, is it that apparent?" I muttered sarcastically. "One sec, I'm going to go order a smoothie."

I placed my order, paid, then tossed the coffee in the trash. Gross.

"So," I sat back down in front of Sydney, "why'd you want me?"

"Well..." Sydney pursed her lips and pressed her tan hands on top of my pale ones, "I wanted to talk to you about Justin."

"Yeah? What about?" I had a sinking feeling on what this was about.

"You see, I love my brother. And I look out for him as much as possible, involving girls."


"And I think you're cheating on him with Kyle."

"Um..." I fingered the edge of my smoothie cup, eyeing my chipped nails. Anything but Sydney's accusing stare. "I can explain..."

"Really? Because there's really no passable excuse for two-timing. But, since I'm an understanding person, I'll listen to your excuse."

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