HTR: Chp. 8~Yet Another Side of Cyn

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My shoulders started to shake.

"Oh, Chevy," Mandy sobbed, rubbing my back as I cried.

"It's okay. I"ll always be here for you."

I lifted my face from the pillow and hugged her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. We rocked back and forth as she hugged me, both of us crying.

Why did I wish that Cyn was here too, telling us that she would always be with us too?

Chapter 8 :)

I woke up, my eyes swollen and my voice scratchy. That's what a good cry can do to you.

"Mandy?" She was sprawled across my bed, mouth wide open, snoring. Lovely.

"Mandy. Girl, wake up." No response. Okay, then.

"Mandy, I'm making toast."

"No!" Mandy's eyes flew open, and she darted out of bed, grabbing my arm, in the span of of about a second. "You can't make anything in the kitchen! At! All! You promised!"

I laughed hoarsely, the sound making me want to cry again. "Sweetie, I know. You just needed to wake up."

Mandy scowled at me, and I tried to grin cheekily.

"Well, I just won't buy you an ice cream, then." Mandy muttered playfully. I sighed and frowned, remembering Cyn again. I really had to find out what was wrong with her. Why did she hate me? Did she mean that? She couldn't have... If I meant nothing to her, why had she freaked out and screamed at a policeman? The Cyn I knew would've just flirted and gotten out of a warning or ticket. Did something happen?

Mandy sensed my change of mood and smiled sympathetically. "Chevy, it's okay."

"I know... I just want to find out what I did."

"You didn't do anything, hon. Trust me. Do you want me to talk to her for you?"

"No. I'll talk to her," I sighed, biting my lip to keep tears in check. My life was, like, a bad chick flick. WIthout the lead man. Unless you counted Kyle, which I don't.

Or Justin. I blushed.

Oops, I forgot to text him last night.

Quickly, I grabbed my phone, and typed in Justin's number. I saved it as a contact, and opened a new message, typing that it was Chevy and good morning.

"Who are you texting?" Mandy asked, trying to cran her neck to see my message. I quickly hit the send button and shoved my phone into my pocket.

"No one."

She gave me a look, saying that she didn't buy it.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. I didn't want to tell her that I had met a guy, because she would then pressure me to start cheating on Kyle. And even though he's not my 'real' boyfriend, I don't want to do anything like that. I'm not like that, and I don't want to feel guilty.

"It's... complicated," I muttered.

"Chevy, you can talk to me about anything." I glanced at Mandy, who was staring at me with utter sincerity. I swallowed and nodded.

"I know..."

"But it's okay if you don't want to."

I smiled. "Thanks, Mandy."

She grinned back at me. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

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