HTR: Chp. 7~The New Side of Cyn

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WOAH. I blinked. Did I just think the l-word? Love? Did I love Chevy?

No. I couldn't love her with her hating me. I just really liked her.

What would I do?

And people say that a guy's brain is simple.

Chapter 7:

Chevy's POV

I sighed, wrapping a blue sweater around my cold shoulders, turning the shower on hot. Kyle had asked me on another date and didn't mention my bet blurt out. We were still together. Everything was fine. But was I happy? Sort of. Kyle was rude, lacking chivalry and cleanliness, and was downright unpleasant to be with. But I would still get my money at the end of the month.

Massaging my neck, I checked my phone. Twenty new texts from Cyn and Mandy-- each. Mumbling grouchily, I threw my phone onto my bed, really not wanting to talk right now.

I stopped and grabbed my phone, realizing that I had to be responsible. It wouldn't be any good if they overreacted to my ignorance and called the police or something. My parents, even though they usually left me alone, would freak out. I sent a quick text, saying that I was fine and home safely and that I was just tired. I didn't bother asking if the bet was still on, but judging from Mandy's lightning fast response, she knew that I was wondering.

Chev, u kno that we luv u! Sry that we took it 2 far-- if we hadnt been there, u probs wouldnt hve blown up like that. that was probs r fault-- idk about cyn but the bets still on 4 me. im still betting that ur gonna break ltr. u still have 18 days left o torture hahaha!! Glad that ur safe. And 1 mor thing-- mental slap 4 worrying us!! Luv u xoxo~ M :)

Grinning, I sighed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water take me away to a place of steamy wonderfulness, thinking of Justin and his sweet personality. I still needed to return the change from the bus.  Oh well, if all else fails and I didn't meet him again I would just keep the money. Who would turn that down? I would probably need it at the end of the month, in addition to my soon to be three hundred bucks.

After showering, I changed into some grey sweatpants and a loose light blue tee. I rummaged through my pocketbook, pulling out the few dollars and dimes that was left over from the ten dollar bill Justin had given me. About to stuff it back into my purse, I noticed a white sheet of paper poking out from a one dollar bill. Frowning, I pulled it out, realizing that it was the back of the receipt from Dairy Queen, with a phone number written on it in Sharpie. Justin.

Unconciously grinning, I stared at his neat handwriting. Maybe I didn't have to become an old single cat lady when I grew up after all.

************************************************ The next day, Friday night


"Hey Mandy, what's up girl?" I grinned, tossing my book onto the end of the bed. I overestimated, and the paperback book thumped onto my shag carpet. Whoops.

"Cyn isn't in the best mood. I think you need to come see her. Soon." Mandy's voice was full of worry and stress, which was rare, seeing that Mandy's life was as perfect as life could get.

"O-okay, I'll be right over." I hung up, frowning at my cell. What could be wrong with Cyn? She was my closest friend aside from Mandy, but I understood Mandy more. Cyn was more unpredictable, and could change moods-- not to mention her mind-- faster than she changed clothes. See what I did there? Ahh, Katy Perry.

Grabbing my small handbag, I shoved the three something dollars in there for bus fare.


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