Untitled Part 5

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Dean tried not to hyperventilate as he made his way to his locker. He picked up his lunch and finally removed his flannel, hanging it in the locker before starting off in the direction of the gym. His stomach was so twisted in a knot that he almost backed out twice. The door loomed ahead of him. Just as he reached it he heard someone calling his name. He turned around to see his friend Charlie hurrying over.

"Hey! Aren't you coming? I was calling your name," she said as she came to a stop in front of him.

"Uh, no, not today. I'm busy." He glanced nervously at the gym doors.

"What? You never miss lunch." She noticed the lunch bag in his hand. "And you have your lunch with you, so...where are you going?"

"Look, Charlie, I have something I need to do. Can we do this later? Call me tonight, or message me, but right now, I really have somewhere I gotta be." He was trying not to sound snippy, but he knew he was failing miserably.

"You better talk to me later. You're acting really weird." She jabbed a finger at him, poking him in the chest before turning and heading back in the direction of the cafeteria. He let out the breath he'd been holding before walking the last few yards. Once he was at the door he took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. This was it. He was finally going to meet someone amazing that liked all of the same stuff he did, had a sense of humor that he loved, and accepted him as gay, because he was gay too. This was really going to be his first guy kiss, and he was admittedly nervous as hell.

"Please let him be as hot as I hope he is, but even if he isn't, let him be as nice in person as he is online," he whispered before pushing the door open and walking in.


At first Dean didn't see anyone else in the gym. His heart fell. Had Captain decided to back out? He hoped the guy was just running late. Movement in the corner of the room on the far side of the bleachers caught his attention, and he spotted the blue shirt. Slowly he started walking towards the other boy. As he drew closer his jaw dropped.





His best friend's head whipped around, blue eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and fear.

"Dean?! Uh, what, uh, are you doing here?" Cas jumped up, knocking the book he'd been reading to the floor. Dean could clearly see the Captain America shirt he had bought for him.

"No freaking way. You?!" Dean's jaw fell. Cas. Cas was Captain. Suddenly that made A LOT of sense. Somehow Cas' eyes got even bigger. He was starting to resemble a Margaret Keane painting.

"No freaking way, you're...Deadpool?" Cas dropped his voice and looked around nervously. "I've been talking to you this whole time? Did you know? Were you just screwing with me?"

"What? No I wasn't screwing with you!" Dean was offended that his friend would actually think that.

"So you're..." Cas was staring at Dean's shirt in disbelief.

"Y-yeah. Surprise, I'm gay." Dean added in jazz hands for added effect.

"How did I not know that?" Cas was asking himself that question but Dean responded anyway.

"Because no one knows, not even my family. I was afraid you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. But I'm pretty sure we covered that in our chats." He chuckled and finally got a smile out of Cas. "So...Meg..."

Ca snorted and rolled his eyes. "Lesbian. I'm her beard. Or she's mine. I'm not sure how that works anymore. I'm just basing it on what she said."

Dean was replaying their conversations in his head. A smile began to creep up on his face.

"You like me."

Cas turned away before Dean could see his cheeks turning red. Dean followed him though, stepping in front of him. "No, don't you try and run from me."

"Dean..." Cas looked up at him, his blue eyes searching Dean's green ones. He smiled tentatively. "Yes, I do. A-a lot."

Dean smiled wider and took a step closer. When Cas didn't back away he reached out and took the other boy's hand.

"I've been crazy about you for years."

"Let's go outside, ok? No one should be out there." Cas tugged on Dean's hand and pulled him along towards the door that led to the field. They stepped out into the warm spring day. The field was empty as they made their way to a copse of trees at the edge. Dean's stomach was fluttering so much he was back to feeling like he might throw up. Together they sat down under the shade of one of the bigger maple trees.

"So, you weren't lying on Tumblr? I can't believe it's you. I mean, I wanted it to be you, but I seriously thought you were straight!" Cas was still in disbelief. The one person he'd found that he connected with like he did with Dean turned out to be Dean. It was a real shock.

"I was being totally honest with you. That's the only place I could really be myself. It's not like I've been running around here declaring my love of cock," Dean said with a laugh. Cas gasped.


That just made Dean laugh harder. He tossed aside the lunch bag he'd brought with and crawled the foot it took to get closer to the other boy. He heard the small intake of air Cas did, and the way those blue eyes flickered to his lips.

"Do you still want me to kiss you? Cause I've been dying to for years now."

Cas looked into his eyes, as though searching for some sign that his friend has just been messing with him all this time. There was nothing there but affection and something he quickly realized was desire. Dean wanted him. He nodded.

"Please, yes," he whispered.

Dean settled down on the ground next to him and brought a hand up to the back of Cas' neck. It made him happy the way Cas let him just pull him closer, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss. He smiled when Cas let out a small sigh. Before Dean could pull back, Cas was leaning in and kissing him again, this time more firmly. He wasn't going to complain though, this was his dream come true. His arms went around Cas, pulling the other boy flush against his own chest at the same time that Cas' arms snuck around his neck. Somehow Cas ended up in his lap, though Dean wasn't concerned with how he got there, only that he was there. His entire body was on fire having Cas so close and he was dying to really kiss him. Staying aware of Cas' body language, he darted his tongue out to slide it along the seam of the other boy's mouth. Cas groaned as he opened up and Dean held him even tighter. He didn't want to push Cas too fast. Hell, he was pretty new to this too, but it felt so good having Cas like this.

When the final bell rang for lunch Dean let out a huff of annoyance. Cas smiled against his lips.

"You have study hall in the library next period, right?" he asked. Dean nodded.

"Yeah, but my homework is done."

They had ended up lying down and Cas was half on top of him, not that he minded one bit. Cas ran a hand up his chest, bringing it to rest over his heart.

"Well...I have a free period. We could theoretically stay right here."

Dean grinned. "Yeah, that sounds awesome!"

Cas laid his head on Dean's chest and let out a sigh of contentment.

"I'm so happy it was you."

Dean kissed the top of Cas' head.

"Me too. Um, are we...well, can I say you're my boyfriend now?"

"That would mean we have to tell people. Are you ready for that?" Cas lifted his head to look at him. Dean nodded.

"Yeah, I think I am. As long as I get to have you."

Cas smiled. "You always had me, even if you didn't realize it."

"Cas, I don't just like you." Dean's expression turned serious. He needed Cas to really know how he felt.

"I know, Dean. I love you too."

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