Untitled Part 7

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By the time Mary walked in the front door Dean and Cas had both lasagnas on the table, and Dean was pulling the garlic bread from the oven. Cas had brought a pitcher of iced tea to the table along with glasses and when she returned from having changed out of her scrubs, she smiled tiredly at them both.

"Where's Sam? Brittany's again?" she asked. Dean nodded.

"Yeah, so he's not going to be here for dinner."

Mary sat down and cut generous portions of one of the lasagnas, putting a piece on each of their plates. Dean cut the garlic bread and distributed that, too. As they started eating his hand found Cas' under the table and he tangled their fingers together. Cas tried not to show just how happy that one simple act made him but it was difficult, so he shoved food in his mouth.

"How's school?" Mary asked. Both boys shrugged.

"Good. It's the same as always, I suppose," Dean replied.

"Nothing exciting happening?"

"Not really. I mean, we just finished a paper on A Midsummer Night's Dream, but it's almost the end of the school year and we're seniors, so they've been pretty lax on the homework," Cas said. Mary nodded in understanding.

"The last couple of days are the best. Seniors basically just lounge around talking and signing one another's yearbooks. Make sure you get the numbers and emails of the people you want to stay in touch with because you might never hear from them again, or not for another decade at least."

"Charlie can't get rid of me that easy," Dean laughed. Mary and Cas both snickered at that. She motioned with her fork between the two of them.

"You know, things can change between you two as well."

"No, nothing is changing between us," Dean said firmly. His grip on Cas' hand tightened. Cas looked at him and he stared right back for a moment before looking at his mother again. "Nothing is changing."

"I'm just saying-"

"No, Mom. You don't get it. Cas isn't just my best friend." Dean had wanted to wait until Lynn was home too but he couldn't. "Mom, I'm gay. Cas, he's my boyfriend." He knew Cas was sitting next to him holding his breath as he turned his blue eyes on Mary. She set her fork down and finished chewing the piece of garlic bread she'd taken a bite of.

"Ok. But you still need to work at it. Any relationship is hard work."

Dean blinked as Cas let out the breath he'd been holding. "You...wait, what?"

Mary chuckled and folded her hands on the table in front of her. "Honey, I've known you were attracted to men for several years now, and that you had a crush on Cas. Did you really think I was that unobservant? Plus, I change your bed linens every week when you don't. You're lucky it was me that found your stash and not Sam." She picked up her glass of tea and took a sip as her son's jaw dropped in horror.

"What stash?" Cas asked, smiling at Dean.

"N-nothing!" Dean slammed his mouth shut as he glared at his mother. His face was burning; he could feel it.

"Oh, but I'm interested. Is it porn?" Cas bumped his shoulder, laughing when Dean's face just got redder.

"Shut up!" Dean whined.

"Hey, I was nice. I didn't call you out on it, I didn't toss them or do any of a number of horrible parental things that I could have done. I simply left them where they were and went on about changing the sheets." She shrugged and went back to eating. Her eyes drifted over to Cas. "Do your parents know?"

Cas' smile fell away and he looked nervously at Dean before his eyes drifted back to her.

"Not yet. I was planning to tell them Saturday. Dean was going to come over so I don't have to do it alone."

Mary smiled warmly. She loved Cas like he was another of her sons. He was such a sweet young man.

"I know your parents. They'll be fine with it. And on the off chance they're not, well, you always have a home here." She could tell he was holding hands with Dean under the table. It was sweet. "So I suppose you boys will be having sex soon."

"Mom!" Dean groaned and slapped a hand over his face with the one he wasn't desperately clinging to Cas with while Cas choked on his food in embarrassment.

"What? Unless sex isn't something either of you are interested in. If it's not, that's fine. But if it is, I don't want you going in blindly. Did they go over sex between men in your health or sex ed classes?" she asked.

"N-not for me they didn't," Cas admitted quietly. Dean groaned and shook his head.

"No, but I really don't want to discuss that with my mom!"

"People really don't want to have sex? That's a thing?" Cas asked curiously.

"It is. Look, I want you boys to be informed and safe, so what I will do is give you a list of websites to look at. I want you to not try to learn stuff from watching porn, ok? It's highly inaccurate and could lead to one or both of you getting hurt. I'll supply whatever you need to keep you both safe. All I ask is don't do anything while Lynn or I are here," Mary told them. Dean was freaked out still but curiosity was getting the better of him.

"What about Sam?"

"Oh, embarrass your brother all you want. Lord knows I did everything I could to torment my sister growing up," Mary snorted.

"Wow, your mom is so cool." Cas grinned at his boyfriend. Dean huffed out a nervous laugh. He wanted to ask what exactly she planned to provide, but thought better of it. She was a nurse, she had access to condoms and lube.

"I'm sort of not quite ready for that yet anyway," Dean said. He looked over at Cas who nodded in agreement.

"I just got my first real kiss today. Sex is...just no, not yet."

"You gonna tell dad?" Dean asked worriedly.

"Why? It's none of his business who you're involved with or what your orientation is. Besides, if he can't even call home to wish his sons a happy birthday, he doesn't deserve to know," she replied.

"Mama Lynn, she'll be cool too, but what about the grandparents?" Dean was scared to tell extended family, but Mary waved his concerns off.

"Look, frankly, most of the family has been under the impression that you and Cas have been dating since like sixth grade. We'll just let them continue to think it. Don't worry about what other people might think. You worry about your own happiness."

Dean smiled and after letting go of Cas' hand, slipped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Cas smiled happily at him.

"So, your strange behavior this morning, did it have anything to do with this?" she asked. Dean burst out laughing and Cas chuckled with him.

"Oh, it's a long story, and involves a fair amount of miscommunication and ignorance on both of our parts," Dean said. Cas nodded in agreement. Mary's eyes sparkled with interest at hearing that.

"Well that sounds quite intriguing. Do tell."

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