Untitled Part 2

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Cap: No, no, no, I do NOT ship Steve with Tony! That's blasphemous!

Dean laughed as he replied.

Dead: You have to admit, they have chemistry though.

Cap: Yeah, about as much chemistry as fire and water. Steve belongs with Bucky.

Dead: I agree, they're perfect. You can see the way Bucky looks at him that he loves Steve in a way that goes far beyond just simple friendship.

Cap: Sebastian totally ships it too. So does Chris.

Dead: I know. It's so cool.

Cap: So, where do you live, exactly? I don't think I've ever asked. I'm in the Midwest, smack in the middle of corn fields and soy as far as the eye can see. Are you American?

Dead: I'm in the Midwest too, dude. I'm looking out my bedroom window at the corn growing in the field behind my house. My yard backs up to twenty acres and the farmer switches between corn and soy.

Cap: That's cool. Do you ever sneak out and steal the corn?

Dead: Lol, I did, once, but then my mom caught me and said it was pointless cause it's not eating corn, it's fuel corn. So much for a free snack, lol.

Cap: Oh, that sucks! It's all fuel corn around here too. Who even grows the regular corn anymore? I bet it's grown in like, Brazil, or China, lol.

Dead: I think you might be right about that. Everyone I know has fuel corn around them. Great, now I want popcorn.

Cap: I could go for some too. With butter and salt. Not that microwave crap, but real butter.

Dead: Me too! I hate microwave popcorn. It's gross. I think I'll ask my mom to make me some.

Cap: I think I'm out. Might have to go bum some from my best friend. He usually has some if I go over there.

Dead: Can I ask you a question?

Cap: Sure.

Dead: Are you out?

Cap: No. I'm afraid of how people will react. Like, I have a girlfriend, but she's a lesbian, and we just hold hands in school and stuff so other people don't screw with us. I can't even do more than kiss her on the cheek though. Her father would beat her senseless if he knew. She came out to me and asked me if I would fake being her boyfriend until we graduate and she can move away, so that's what I'm doing. I mean, I want to tell people, like my best friend. I think he'd be cool with it? He's a pretty fantastic guy. My own parents, that's what I'm worried about. And my brothers. They can be super douches.

Dead: I could tell my mom, no problem, but I'm worried that my best friend would reject me. It would kill me if he did. And I'm not sure how the rest of my friends would react. I date girls just as a cover, but I don't do anything with them other than hold hands and kiss. They want more, but I just lie and tell them it's a promise to God and myself that I won't have sex until marriage. So far, they buy it. If they keep pushing, I dump them. I don't like lying, but I'm scared. I don't handle rejection well.

Cap: I understand that. Before I leave for college I plan to just come out and let the cards fall where they may. No more lies, no more fake girlfriends.

Dead: I want to do that too. My best friend and me, we'll be going to college near each other. I really, really hope he's cool with it.

Cap: Are you into him? It kind of sounds like you are.

Dead: Honestly? I've had a crush on him for years now, but he's straight. He has no idea. I need to just move on and let go.

Cap: I get it. My best friend is so gorgeous. I've liked him since we were in the sixth grade and I first realized I liked other guys. He's clueless though. It's better that way cause I'm in the same boat, he's straight. I keep hoping I'll find someone I can click with.

Dead: Me too. So...

Cap: ???

Dead: What do you even look like?

Cap: Lol. I'm not quite ready to share pics on the internet, but I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm told I'm attractive. By girls. I don't know if it's true or not. My brothers tell me I look like Smeagol. They're assholes though.

Dead: Ouch. Yeah, my brother tells me I look like a monkey, so I get it.

Cap: What about you?

Dead: Green eyes, and my mom says my hair is dark blonde, or dirty blonde. I don't even know. And I'm tall. I can kiss my mom on the top of her head now, lol.

Cap: Lol. I'm not as tall as that, but I think I'm tall. 5'10.

Dead: 6'2

Cap: Damn. You sound hot. Sorry.

Dean felt his stomach flutter and he grinned.

Dead: Don't be. Maybe I am? It's hard to judge your own hotness.

Cap: I agree. But you still sound hot.

Dead: Yeah, well so do you. I sort of have a thing for blue eyes. How blue are yours?

Cap: Really blue.

Dean was excited. They'd gone from friendly conversation to flirting, and it was making the butterflies in his belly flap around like mad.

Dead: Damn, now THAT'S hot.

Cap: I happen to have a thing for green eyes too, btw. How green are yours?

Dead: Really green.

Cap: Fuck.

Dean burst out laughing at that. This guy was even more awesome than he had first thought.

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