Chapter 7

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Zayn's POV

"Where is she? Her stuff is here!" I say loudly.

"Well she has to come back for her stuff right?" Liam says.

"Has anyone seen Harry?" Louis says.

"No isn't he upstairs?" Liam says.

"No. Where is he? I blame this on you Zayn. I bet he left because of you." Lou says.

"Okay and you think it was okay for him to take Ally away from me. This is insane I should have came by myself." I say

"You guys we should not be mad at each other. We are best mates and we should help each other. We all have made mistakes but we have to move past them." Liam says.

"Well he made a big mistake and he hurt me. He should have never done that." I say.

"You know Harry dated Ally technically you did the same thing to him." Louis says.

"Well he didn't tell me." I say getting angry.

"Well maybe you should apologize to him about what happened on the plan and talk about Ally. I am sure you guys can work it out." Niall says.

"We have to find Harry first though." I say.

Where did he go? All of his stuff is still here but he is gone. He has to come back for his stuff right?

"I think we should go shopping. There is no food in this house." Niall says.

"I will go with you" Liam says.

The two of them leave to go food shopping. Louis and I hang around the house. I go into Ally's bedroom, well our old bedroom. This is where we had our honeymoon. It was great, we were so in love and look at us now. She is running from me because she is scared.

I look around to see if there is anything around to tell me where she has gone. There is nothing. She is really good at hiding from me, that's for sure. All of here stuff is here, well the stuff that was in the house to begin with. I would think she would come back, her laptop is here and clothes. Although the first time she left, she had nothing. Maybe I can look on her laptop.

I open it and turn it on. I have to put in a password. I try zaynmalik, it doesn't work. I try her birthday, nothing. What is her password?

"LOUIS" I yell.

"What?" He says walking into the room.

"Come help me figure out Ally's password.

"Oh easy, it's harrystyles go ahead try it" He says and I give him a weird look.

I type in the 11 letter name and hit enter. It worked. Why is her password Harry?

"What?!" I say shocked.

"Dude, she was always in love with him you just never saw. He had her first but you got her to marry you. It is only because she like to cheat on guys. That's why she left Harry for you, then left you for another guy. You think we don't see it but all of us know what goes on. Just face the facts that you may never get her back. She will always return to Harry." Lou says.

I set there for a second taking it all in but then my whole body fills with anger.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I scream in anger getting up and pinning Lou to the wall.

"Calm down! You have to control yourself. Maybe if you knew how to do that Ally would have stay." He says making me more mad.

"Do you really want me to punch you because you are really pushing it." I say between gritted teeth.

"Dude, you need to clam your ass down and face the facts." He says trying to loosen my grip on him.

"Don't talk to me." I say with so much anger. I let him go and walk out of the room.

Is what Lou just said true. Did she really love Harry? I don't think I can handle that. What if I do never find her, should I just stop now? I don't want to find her and she not love me back. I think I should save myself the rejection and stop. I quit.  

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