Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

"How are we getting there?" I ask as the two of us wait outside the house.

"I called for a limo." Harry says.

"Again, we don't need a limo. We could have asked John or called for a taxi."

"You know I like to spoil you. I can't help it" He says with a giant smile on his face.

"You know I like normal. You know the reason I left was to be normal." I say.

I hate the attention of being around one direction. There is no privacy and you always have to look your best. I don't like to be fancy.

"I am sorry." He says looking upset.

"Harry you know I am not mad, just not loving the fact we are taking a limo." I say putting my hand on his arm.

"I don't think I could handle you being mad at me. I need you in my life, Ally." He says putting his hands on my waist.

"You have told me that multiple times. Now you are going to have to stop being touchy feely. I don't want Zayn thinking anything of this because we are just friends." I say when I see the limo pull up.

"Sorry" He says looking heart broken.

I know Harry loves me and I probably just broke his heart. I am not ready for a relationship with another famous person. It is not what I want. I want to be normal but Harry does always know how to get me to love him. I can't let it work this time.


The limo pulls up to the house. It is time to face Zayn. This is going to break my heart. I think Harry could tell that I am nervous and upset. He just puts his hand on my and gives it a little squeeze. We didn't talk the whole ride over.

"You can go inside first." I say to him.

"If I go in first I don't want you to get scared and runaway again. Will you promise to stay?" He says.

"Yes I will stay." I say and he gives my hand one more squeeze and gets out of the limo.

I don't want to face Zayn. I can't break his heart again. I have put him through so much and I think I owe it to him to go tell him that it is over. I can't make myself get out of the limo. I just sit staring at the house Zayn and I stayed at for our honeymoon. That was the best time in my life, in that week we escaped all the fame and enjoyed us.

I continued to stare out the window until I remembered something. I get out of the limo and head to the back yard.  The back yard was a small lawn surrounded by woods. I make my way down a path into the woods. I stop at a tree that was carved into. A rose, the symbol of my love for Zayn and his love for me. I start to run my hand over the rough bark and an overwhelming feeling  takes over. I fall to the ground, I can't help but cry. I was in the middle of the woods, laying in the dirt crying. I could not help myself. 

Pieces of the Rose (Sequel to I Am Mrs. Malik?)Where stories live. Discover now