HADHRAT IMAAM AHMAD HAMBAL (rahmatullah alayh)

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1. The Mu'tazilah sect had brought great distress and suffering to Imaam Ahmad Hambal (rahmatullah alayh). While the deviant Mu'tazilahs propagated the erroneous belief of the Qur'aan being the created word of Allah, Imaam Hambal was their leading opponent teaching that the Qur'aan was the uncreated Word of Allah Ta'ala. The Khalifah Ma'moon too entertained the Mu'tazilah view. Imaam Ahmad was arrested and brought in front of the Khalifah who ordered him to retract his belief. When Imaam Ahmad refused, he was put in chains and severely flogged. Inspite of his frail body, he preserved and submitted to the torture, but never abandoning the truth.

While flogging Imaam Ahmad, his izaar (the garment covering the lower part of the body) was about to fall off. Two hands miraculously appeared, tied the izaar and disappeared. When the king beheld this wonderful episode, he ordered Imaam Hambal to be released. He finally succumbed to the wounds of the torture and died. On his death-bed he was asked about the Khalifah, Ma'moon. Imaam Hambal said:

"He had punished me for the sake of Allah because he thought I was propagating falsehood. On the Day of Qiyaamah, I shall hold no claim against him."

2. Imaam Ahmad Hambal narrated the following episode: "Once in the wilderness I lost my way. A bedouin was sitting in a corner. I went up to him and asked for directions. He became restless and wept. Thinking him lost and hungry, I offered him some bread. In anger he said: 'O Ahmad Hambal, you are not pleased with Allah. You offer rizq like Allah while you have lost the way.' I said to myself: 'O Allah! You have concealed such noble servants of Yours in such remote corners of the world.' Discerning my thoughts, the bedouin said: 'There are such servants of Allah, by whose command the entire earth can be transformed into gold.' When I looked, I beheld gold as far as my eyes could see. I was overcome by ecstasy. I heard a Voice saying: 'This man is Our beloved servant. If he wishes, We shall cast the entire universe into turmoil. Be grateful to Us for having allowed you to meet him. You will never again see him."

3. While he was in Baghdad, Imaam Hambal would not eat anything which was produced there. His food would be brought from the city of Mosul. Explaining his action, he said: "Hadhrat Umar (رضئ الله عنه ) had made waqf the lands of Baghdad for the Ghaazis (Muslim Mujaahideen). These lands are lawful only for them."

4. Since the use of silver and gold is permissible only in jewellery for females and as money, Imaam Ahmad Hambal would instruct people not to sit in the company of those who had silver surmah containers.

5. Once when Imaam Hambal was blessed with the vision of Allah Ta'ala in a dream, he asked: "O Allah! How should Your Proximity be cultivated?" Allah Ta'ala said: "By means of tilaawat of the Qur'aan." Imaam Hambal asked: "With or without understanding?" Allah Ta'ala said: "With and without understanding."

6. Someone asked: "What is zuhd?"
Imaam Hambal: "The zuhd of the masses is abstention from haraam and the zuhd of the elite is abstention from the desire of increase in halaal."
Zuhd is to renounce the world. In so far as the masses are concerned, zuhd is to renounce all unlawful and reprehensible deeds and acts. The zuhd of the Auliyaa is of a different and higher kind. To gain nearness to Allah Ta'ala, abstention from even lawful desires becomes necessary. Such renunciation is of a variety of degrees depending on the spiritual abilities of the Auliyaa.
The there is a much higher type of zuhd which Imaam Hambal defined: "The zuhd of the Aarifeen is to abandon everything besides Allah Ta'ala."

7. During his last moments his son asked about his condition. Imaam Hambal replied: "This is not a time for answering. Make dua that Allah takes me with Imaan. Shaitaan is saying to me: 'O Ahmad! Alas! You are departing in the safety of Imaan.'
But, I say: 'As long as breath remains, there is no certainty of Imaan. I still have some breath left and this is the perilous stage. May Allah have mercy."
After making this statement, Imaam Ahmad Hambal passed away. Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) said: "Imaan is suspended between hope and fear."

8. Flocks of birds accompanying the Janaazah of Imaam Ahmad Hambal (rahmatullah alayh) wept. On beholding this scene, two thousand Jews embraced Islam.

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