You're on your period

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Harry: "What is it with you lately? The last couple of days you've been more moody than usual and you're really starting to annoy me." Harry said.
Ouch. That hurt. Just like the cramps.
"Will you just leave me alone?!" You asked.
"No! The last couple of days you've acted strange and I wanna know why and I wanna know now!"
"Hey, y/n, I got your tampons. Mom accidentally send them in my ma-" your brother said as he came walking into your room. He stopped when he noticed Harry. "Oh, hi Harry." Your brother said. "This is kind of awkward. I just came to drop this of, take care sis." My brother left after handing you the box of tampons.
Harry's face had turned bright red and you're sure yours did too.
"I will just go now.." Harry said awkwardly as he was making his way to the door.
"Wait!" He stopped. "Cuddle?" You asked. He nodded.
"Sure, everything for my beauty."

Ron: "Ron, I'm tired. Ron, I want food. Ron, my belly hurts. Ron, can you rub my belly." You were complaining to Ron as you laid on the coach of the common room and he was sitting next to you while trying to do his homework.
"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP Y/N!" Ron yelled angry.
Because you were on your period you were extra emotional.
Tears began streaming down your face and you began sobbing uncontrollably. "Oh y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry." Ron said as he pulled you towards him. You laid your head on his chest.
"I'm sorry Ron, I should just leave you alone."
"No, y/n I always have time for you."

Draco: "YOU'RE A MONSTER, DRACO! I HATE YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE TO DIE, YOU STUPID PRAT!!" you screamed at your boyfriend while crying uncontrollably.
It's true, he forgot your chocolate muffins in Hogsmeade and you hate him for it. What was supposed to take your mind of your cramps now?!
"I'm sorry Draco, I'm just.. tired." You said, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
"It's okay, darling. I know." Draco said as he pulled you to the coach. You sat down next to him and leaned against him. He rubbed your back until you fell asleep, completely forgetting about your cramps.

Fred: "YOU'RE SUCH A DICK, FRED!" you yelled at Fred in his and Georges room at Hogwarts.
"I DIDN'T FLIRT WITH ANGELINA, SHE FLIRTED WITH ME!" Fred's face was red from anger.
"YOU CAN'T DENY THAT YOU LIKED IT!" I screamed at him.
"WHY DO YOU SUDDENLY ACT SO DRAMATIC ABOUT THIS?! ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD OR SOMETHING?!" Fred was so angry that he wasn't even paying attention to what he was yelling.
"W-why a-are you be-being so m-mean?" Your voice was shaking as you spoke, you were crying now. You covered your face with your hands.
"Y/n, are you crying?" Fred asked softly.
"No." You said in a high pitched voice, which made it obvious you were indeed crying.
"Oh, y/n, love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." He said as he stepped closer to you and pulled you in embrace.
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was just kind of mad and had to take it out on someone."
"No need to explain, love, I have a sister, I understand."

George: Shit! Why does this kind of stuff always have to happen to you?!
You got your period and you had forgotten to bring tampons and pads. You rummaged through the cabins but couldn't find them.
What did you expect? This bathroom is Ron's, Percy's and the twins. Why would Ginny put her stuff in here.
There was no other thing you could do than to ask George.
"G-George?" You spoke softly from the bathroom.
"Yes, love?" His voice came from his room.
"Can you come?" You heard him stand up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.
"What's the problem, love, y/n?" He asked. You dumbfounded your hands as you opened the door slightly.
"George, I've gotten my period and forgot my stuff at home, can you ask Ginny?" You softly asked.
"Oh, ow. Okay, dear. Sure, no problem." He sounded a bit awkward.
"I'm sorry." You apologized.
"No need to apologize, love. You can't do anything about it. I'll be back in a bit."
You heard him walk down the stairs and to Ginny's room.
In less than a minute the both of them came up the stairs again. George went to his room and Ginny to you.
She had a small smile on her face when she handed you the pads.
"Thank you." You said.
"No problem and don't worry about George. He's probably the nicest brother I have, be happy you aren't dating Ron or Percy. Those two are a whole lot more uncomfortable with girl stuff." You nodded.

When you were done with you business and had washed you hands you went to the twins room. You knocked.
"Come in." You opened the door and only George was in the room. On his bed.
"Hey y/n." He patted on the space next to him.
You laid down on his bed and he pulled you closer.
He laid his hand on your stomach.
"Does it hurt?" He asked.
"Only a bit." You answered.
"I would probably feel as if I'm dying if I would bleed down there a whole week once a month." He said with a small smile.
"Probably? George, you wouldn't even handle one day on a period." You giggled.
"Oh, you think? I would probably be the best girl on her period you've ever known!" He exclaimed in a dramatic high pitched girly voice.
"Your kidding right, you would probably be the biggest bitch ever! You wouldn't be able to handle all the hormones." He sniggered.
"I love you, y/n." Your eyes widened for a moment, then you smiled.
"I love you too, George."

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