Chapter 1- Noticed

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^Dan's POV^
I watched from afar. I watched as the charming raven haired boy walked, talked, smiled, laughed. Some could call me a stalker, I prefer it as admiring from afar. He looked so cute when he laughed. When he stuck his tongue out while he giggled. It made my heart melt. His striking blue eyes brightened up the whole room. I snapped another great photo. What? Can a guy take photos? I started to walk back to my flat, but I noticed something. I saw that he was going the same way I was. Maybe he lived in this area?

Probably not.

The majestic angel bean quickly ran across the street, and up to a door— right next to mine. He slightly looked up to see me staring.

"Shit," I thought.  I looked away and unlocked my door. I added the picture I took today to the other ones that I had.

"Why can't I make friends," I thought. Then I remembered, I don't have a social life. I mean, I've had a few girlfriends before but girls just aren't my type. Yes, before you start slowly judging, I'm gay. It's been that way for a few years now. And by a few years, I mean two. I came out to my mom and dad two years ago, but they wouldn't accept me. But, they let me stay until I go to university. Which, is where I am in life. I live in Manchester. It just seems like the right place. And apparently, it was. I heard of Phil, the PERFECT angel bean that lives next door.

Phil must have had a nice life. Apparently, he was gay too and his parents accepted that. My parents are to Catholic for that shit. But one thing brightened my day,

he noticed me...

That was the first chapter of Unknown Crush! I can't wait to write the rest of the book cause there is going to be loads of surprises!
—Simply Your Senpai

Unknown Crush (A Phanfic) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now