Alpha's Baby (Boyxboy)

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Helllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo Rainy ppl! IM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCK!!!!!! This is my newst story started wrtin it since school started and im already on page 25 on paper dont know how long this will be but I hpe u like the first chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! :D

Chapter 1: 


        Why couldn’t today be a regular normal day? I seriously HATE to go to school. It’s so boring that even my feet fall asleep. I miss Maryland. I had so much fun there. My friends were there, my old school was there and even my grandmother was there. I miss her so much. She used to bake cookies for me every weekend. We would eat them and sit in front of the TV cuddled together.

        I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Daniel, but most people call me Danni. I spell it with an “I” because it’s unique for someone like me. I’m 5”7’, I love pink, I’m single and my favorite; I’m gay. Yes, that type of gay. I love boys. Girls have never really been attractive for me.

        I found out I was gay when I was at my first sleepover, in the 5th grade. We were playing “Truth or Dare”, so I picked dare. Henry, one of the friends I had since Day Care, dared me to kiss anyone in the room. Since we were all boys I found it difficult and I just kissed the first boy I saw. It was Dylan Green. He was my first crush after that kiss and I left him when we moved.

        We were moving to California. Specifically, we moved to Malibu. I've heard of this place and always dreamed of moving here when I grew up, not when I was 12. I guess you can say that I will always hate Malibu now that I’m moving there. I'm honestly nervous about moving to Cali.

Okay so this is wat I immediately copied from word so I hope u like the preview the story is rest to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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