Part 2: The Move

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" OMG!!! I'm going to miss you so much DanniBear!!!" My best friend Clara shrieked and cried hysterically as she gave me the tightest hug I've ever been in.

" I'm going to miss you too, Cece."  I managed to breathe out when she finally let go of me.

My family, meaning my parents and I, were moving to California because my dad had gotten a promotion in his big law firm. I didn't want to go because I'll miss my friends and my grandma.  She's an absolute angel to me.

I'm also afraid to meet new people. Henry has been my friend since forever and I met Clara a few years ago. She came to me one day when I was sitting by myself and just started to talk to me even though I ignored her. She wouldn't stop talking to me until I finally asked her if she had someone else to go bother but she said no. And we've been friends ever since.

Last year, I came out to both of them. Clara jumped up and hugged the hell out of me and Henry just patted me on the back. I couldn't tell if he accpeted me or not, but he stayed by my side since then so I guess he does. I was going to come out to my parents the same day they told me we were moving. They told me that we were moving before I could tell them I was gay. I was so shocked that I didn't hear them call me for almost 8 minutes.

Anyway, I said goodbye to my friends and climbed in the car. I was really dreading this car ride and airplane ride. I pulled out my phone and my earbuds and plugged them in so ti wouldn't have to listen to whatever dumb shit my parents are talking about.

I turned my music all the way up and fell asleep, dreaming the same dream I've had for the last few months,  a huge brown wolf coming towards me and nuzzling my neck. What was different was that I think the wolf talked to me.

" I'll see you soon, my little mate."

*A few hours later*

I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see my mother standing above me with a shit eating grin on her face. I don't know what's going on, but I can tell that I'm not going to like it.

"Hi, mom. What's going on?" I asked her trying to not sound suspicious of her.

"Oh, well, I think you should take a look outside and look around the new house. We will have some visitors later on tonight so please, be on your best behavior. " She kissed my cheek and then got out of the car and into the new house.

It was a three story,  blue and white house with a large front yard, a driveway with a garage, a porch swing and what looks like a forest behind it. I got out of the car, grabbed my bags and went inside the house to look for my room.

As I opened the door, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I looked around but all I saw were more houses and a lot of trees surrounding them. I turned back around and headed inside. The inside was more impressive than the outside. The house, from the outside, looked like it was a little low on space but what I saw was the complete opposite.

There was a grand staircase with red carpeting, doors on the side that lead to who knows where and marble floors.

It was ridiculous.

And I loved it.

I climbed the staircase and went down a long hallway with doors on each side of me every few feet. I felt like I was in a mansion. I opened one door and saw that it was a huge library. With books lining every wall and huge couch in the center of the room.

I made a mental note to come here later whenever I was bored.

I opened some more doors until I found my room. I could tell it was my room because my bedsheets were on the king sized, canopy bed. The room was black and red. I had a black dresser, two night stands, one on each side of the bed, a small couch in front of the bed and two doors. One on the left and one on the right. I dropped my bags and stuff on the couch, took off my shoes and flopped down on the bed. It was soooo comfortable, that I fell asleep right then and there.

Omg!!! Im sorryyyyy guys, it took me soooo long to update this thing tht I completely forgot about it. Please forgive me and since ive got my mojo back, I  gunna try to update more as soon as I can.thanks for waiting!!! Hope you like it.

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