Chapter One

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April 26th

I held the wine glass in my hands as I stare up ahead. My mind's clouded with pictures of her laughing, smiling, cracking jokes and being her free-spirited self that my dad love. It's been two years since she died, but we still are having a hard time moving on and yet I can feel her beside me, whispering sweet nothings. It's comforting rather than creepy. When I mentioned this to my friends, they initially thought I was going mad. Was it because of the fact that my dead mother talks to me, or because I respond to her? Probably both. Since then I made a mental note to never talk about her again and just be happy. It works, up until now. I'm no longer the depressed girl who lost her mother in a hit and run accident. They never caught the person who did it. I don't know what's worse; the accident being two years prior to this day that they forgot about finding out who or that my dad is seeing someone else.

Dad's been seeing this woman for almost a year now. I know nothing about her. All I know is that her name's Sara and she's got a kid of her own same age as I, that I know nothing about as well. She and dad have a pretty serious relationship, although I'm quite not sure where it ws headed. Until now.

Dad cleared his throat, "Today's a very important day for all of us," he paused. Dad's good looking, in that Hugh Hackman kind of way. Jack is a very sophisticated man, he's a lawyer, although he's not like any lawyer. My dad can crack jokes and make you laugh, but he is also a man you should watch out. He can be scary at times and he sure can make you feel nervous. Me and my ex boyfriend Josh were having a dinner with dad one time, and he didn't like Josh at all. So dad put on his 'lawyer face' and scared him away. Day after that, Josh broke up with me and have been avoiding me all the time. Which was fine by me cause he really was a dick.

"today's your mother's death anniversary and it's been two years since your mother has passed away and I know it's best if we move on and start moving forward again." he continued.

Across from me, my brother Leo sighed impatiently, "Point dad?" Leo younger than me only by 3 years. Leo and I get along pretty well. We sometimes fight but we make up after. He got my back and I got his, especially when it comes to sneaking out. He's not a bad looking guy, I mean he always catches random girls attention. He's got mom's eyes and dad's face. If that makes any sense. He used to play football, not only because he likes the sport but also because he love the attention the girls are giving him.

Dad shot a look at him and continued, "Well, okay. Sara's moving in with us."

Before I could even respond, I am completely soaked with Leo's disgusting spit take.

"Oh my god Leo what the fuck?!" I screamed standing up, taking a look at my dress that is soaked with Leo's coke spit. Ugh, disgusting. "Why couldn't you just drink wine?! That way you wouldn't have to spit this much many!"

"Don't curse during dinner." my father said to me sternly. That's what I like about him, he's okay with us cursing, except when it's dinner time.

"Oops, sorry sis." he says and I flip him without dad noticing.

As I turn away dad stops me, "Oh hey hey hey, where you going?"

"Uhm, to get cleaned. Duh." I say irritatingly which caused Leo to laugh.

Dad turned to him, "Okay, don't laugh at your sister," then at me, "and you, sit down."

I groaned sitting down, glaring at my brother and crossing my arms in the process. See, told you dad and Sara's relationship is serious.

Dad looked at both of us and said, "So Sara's living with us. And his son too." Okay that, I didn't expect.

"WHAT?!" both Leo and I exclaimed.

"And it's gonna be fun." dad grinned.

"Are you fucking shitting me?!" Leo screamed, rather exaggeratedly.

"Hey!" Dad yelled while using his lawyer voice, "No fucking cursing."

Flinching, I rolled my eyes, "It's not like you don't."

"Yea dad c'mon." Leo responded.

Dad sighed, "Just.. just give her a chance alright. Do this for me."

Leo and I groaned profoundly. I mean duh, she's gonna live with us, of course. And her son too, of course. She couldn't just leave him. Wait she could though, considering he's the same age as I am and can buy his own place. But of course he had to live with us. Just like what dad said; we're moving forward.



Hii!!!!! Sorry this chapter's pretty short buut whaevs lmao. I'm new at this so bear with me. And so like,  I wanted to do this thing like after every chapter (or two, it depends), im gonna put in one of my favorite quotes. Is that alright? Anyways, love y'all. Xx


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