Chapter 7

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Samia was now sound asleep and I couldnt even blink an eye. I was lying staring at the ceiling. My eyes red and puffy from all the crying.

How will I face all of this. What am I gonna do. I cant marry. Not at least now.

I couldnt take my mind off of these thoughts. Thats it. I cannot take it any longer.

Its 1:00 am and the sleep is nowhere over me. Although my eyes sting and hurt due to all the crying but I couldnt sleep.

Yes thats the case with me. I cry a lot. And by a lot I mean like literally A LOT.

I have this talent of crying on the silliest of things and almost everything.

When I am sad, I cry. When I am happy, I cry. When I am angry, I cry. And well when I feel like crying, I obviously cry.

Not that I am some weak and wimp but it just comes naturally to me.

So now I am sitting with my laptop on my lap and watching the two most amazing, gorgeous, handsome, hot men searching for ghosts. Obviously I like one more than the other.

Dont get me wrong guyz.

I am watching supernatural.

Yeah Supernatural.

Watching this show just makes me forget everything, every sadness, every worry. It just makes my mind relax. I cannot think of anything else. I get so engrossed in watching it that sometimes mamma just gets so annoyed because firstly she knows I am obsessed with something I watch on my laptop and end up watching it for hours.
And secondly when she asks me to do some work while I am watching "it/him" all I say is hmm.. But I end up being smacked by her as I had to ask her again what she was saying and I get to know that only after a big lecture.

So I was watching and all of a sudden the bed shook a little, I almost jumped up from fear but then I remembered Samia was also there. Then I heaved a sigh of relief.

My heart was pounding like it would come out. And to add to that a scary scene popped up on my screen.

Instantly I shut the laptop making a thud sound.

Sh*t. I dnt know why I say this word all the time. I have to stop saying it. I almost said it infront of my parents. Astaghfirullah.

I peered at Samia thankfully she didnt wake up.

I was always this person who got scared very easily. I dont know how I watch supernatural at night.

Although I loved watching horror movies but I always insisted on watching them at day coz I was so scared watching them at night. And everyone my siblings to my cousins said that I am a spoilsport and was ruining their mood. What do I do. Whenever I watch a horror movie at night I couldnt sleep all night. Heck I even turned on the lights sometime to sleep and Samia whined all night.

I coudnt come up to my room alone. I always asked Samia or Wali to come with me. But now I have no choice. I have to sleep alone at night since Samia got married. I am getting used to it but since its my home. I am pretty sure same will not be the case if I go to someone else's house.

I am so very scared of the dark. Whnever I forget to switch on the lights of my room before the dusk I send Wali to open the lights first then I enter my room.

Such is my level of fear. Huh.

Thinking of all this I shifted near Samia, put my hand on her arm (yeah, that makes me feel protected less scared) and drifted off to a deep sleep.


I could hear the faint sounds of my alarm but could not open my eyes.

I shifted my hands to reach up to my phone but could not find it.
Aaarrghh. The sound is so annoying. I am so going to change the tone.

But wait. Why cant I find it. I kept it beside my pillow. I always keep it there.

Shoot. Where is my phone. Is it stolen? Did someone break in and took my phone?

But then how could I hear the alarm. Ok now I have to open my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw Samia sitting next to me with my phone in her hand and not even putting off the alarm.

"Whats wrong with you? Why aren't you putting it off?" I groaned while trying to snatch my phone from her.

Yeah. Trying.

She raised her hand and I couldnt reach it.

"Wake up Sarah. Its college time an-"

"Whaat?? I didnt wake up for fajr. Why didnt you wake me up?" I screamed getting up and making my way to the bathroom.

"I did. But you didnt even budge. And after a few minutes when I tried to wake you up again, you started crying" she said sighing.

And I stopped midway. What I was crying. That too while sleeping. Sh*t. Astaghfirullah.

"Noo I didnt" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yes you did"

"Ohk. Maybe" I said brushing my teeth.

"Sarah, whats wrong? Why are you so much tensed that you are crying in your sleep? This is the first time you did something like this." Samia asked in a worried tone.

"Whaat? You are asking what is wrong. Dont act so innocent" I said in a loud tone coming out of the bathroom after making wudu.

Samia glared at me for my loud tone.

"Sorry" I said looking down.

"Sarah jus-"

"Listen, I am getting late for college and I have to pray fajr also and I have already told you that I dont wanna talk about it" I said rubbing my temples.

"Okaayy" she said and left the room.

I closed the door, put the prayer mat on the floor draped the dupatta around my head and started praying.

I was having breakfast and the doorbell rang. Mamma opened the door and it was Hana.

"Assalamualaikum aunty" she chirped.

Someone's in a good mood. Uhh. I am hating it already.

"Walaikumassalam Beta. How are you" mamma replied letting her in.

"I am good aunty. How are you all?" Hana asked her voice coming closer.

And before mamma could reply she spotted me.

"Sarah where are you" she exclaimed sitting on the chair next to me.

Baba already left the room and mamma went into the kitchen. Only Samia was sitting there.

"Erm.. Right here.. I.. Guess" I asked confused.

"Uff I mean where is your phone? I called you like 100 times and it was like 'the number you are calling is currently switched off. Pls try again later' " she said mimicking the tone while making loud gestures with her hands.

I let out a chuckle seeing her.
"Yeah, I forgot to switch it on" I said sheepishly.

"Now come on lets go. We have to reach earlier" Hana said jumping up from the chair.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Uff Sarah, what is wrong with you? Today a co. Is coming for placement and you were pretty excited about it." she exclaimed giving me an 'are u serious' look.

Oh yes. How could I forget. It is a pretty well known co. and its coming for campus placement today. The job profile was good and the package was also nice. I was praying that I get placed in this particular company, the name is some AYS Pvt Ltd. Or something like that.

Aargh. This marriage n all took me off gaurd and I forgot the ultimate aim of my life.

"Sarah! SARAAH" Hana shouted waving her hands in front of my face breaking me from my thoughts.

"Uh.. Huh.. Yes.. I.. Forgot. Lets go" I said getting up.

Its 1:34 am. 😀
Salam guys. I know you all are waiting for Sarah and Yazan's encounter. Have patience. It will be very soon InShaaAllah.
Till then keep reading, keep voting and keep commenting.
Khudahafiz. Shabbakhair.

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