Chapter 43 (2)

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Assalamualaikum beautiful readers!! So here is the next update as promised.

I am sure y'all will love it.

Go crazy with your comments. And I want a whole lot of them.

Enjoy the very long update.

My phone rang breaking my peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes and saw the time to be 12 midnight. Frowning I turned to my right, to see the bed empty. He hasn't returned yet? Maybe he is sleeping in the guest room. Picking up my phone, I saw Wali's name flash across and I panicked.

"Wali? Everything okay? Why are you calling at this time? Are mamma baba fine?"

"Haddi.. Let me speak" he yelled from the other side making me realise that I had been speaking non stop.

"Speak fast" I snapped.

"Did you really forget?" he asked.

"Forget what?" I frowned.

"Ya Allah. Khair. May Allah bless you and make you happy in all the phases of your life. Live a very long long life and continue annoying me" with that he disconnected the call leaving me confused.

"Is he okay? I hope he is not into drugs. Silly" I muttered and as soon as I was about to lie back down, my phone ran again making me jump.

Hana calling...

What is happening? And at this time?

"Assalamualaikum Hana, w-"

"Happy birthday habibti" she yelled from the other side making me remove the phone from my ear, only to realise that it was my birthday today. So thats why Wali had called. In the midst of everything happening, I forgot my own birthday.

"Sarah? Helloo.. Budday girl?" she yelled breaking me from my trance.

"Hana, you know we shou-"

"Yeah yeah, we should not wish and celebrate birthdays. Can't you just say something like 'Thank you my darling best friend' haan?" she said mocking anger and I chuckled.

"Thank you my darling best friend"

"Better. So whats the plan for tomorrow?"

"Umm.. Nothing. Same as all the years probably. I have to talk to Wali about that though." I replied mentally making a point to call him tomorrow.

"Hmm..okay. Achha, gotta go now. Be happy always and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give everything you want in your life. And may we all meet in jannatul firdaus in the hereafter"

"Ameen" I replied to her beautiful dua'a and she hung up promising to call tomorrow.

I again looked to the empty side of the bed and decided to go check up on him, whether he is in the house or not. As I was about to step down from the bed, I heard some footsteps coming towards the room and then the door clicked. In a second, I was on my back and was laying down with my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

His slow footsteps came near me and stopped. I could feel that he was close, very close. My heartbeat was going crazy wondering what was he upto.

Dreams, Not So Romantic ✔(A Tale Of Two Muslims)Where stories live. Discover now