Chapter 1

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I didn't know where I was or how I got here. All I know is that I was lost somewhere that wasn't Gravity Falls, or any other place I had been. My glowing eyes glanced around the wood as I walked down the dirt path. My eyes then landed on the ghostly teen that was now trapped in the Mindscape. He was ahead of me on the path and wandering around like he had no sense of direction.

"Pine Tree!" I spoke, my smile widening more than it was just now. Hearing my call, he turned around and start floating towards me.

"Bill!" I heard Pine Tree's voice echo.

"Yeah, where are we?"

"What makes you think I know, idiot!" he snapped. "And besides, I thought you were all-knowing?!"

"Hey, just because you aged a few years doesn't mean you can speak to me like that," I threatened. "And I never said I know everything. I just know lots of things."

"I'm sixteen! And you took control of my body again. Two really good reasons why I can swear at you," he argued. This kid sure is persistent; he's never letting it go.

"Alright, fine. Do what'ya want, kid." I just continued walking through the forest.

"So, do you know where we are?" Pine Tree asked again.

"Nope," I responded with glee. Nevertheless, we continued walking aimlessly. Well, Pine Tree was floating and I was walking, but that's besides the point.

We wandered aimlessly despite following the path through the collective wood, clueless of where we were or where we were going. The unrecognizable area left me curious since it tested my omniscient ego. The sun shone through the orange leaves as they detached from the tree limbs, falling to the ground. It never seemed to end; trees covered the horizon, surrounding the dirt path.

"Hey, Pine Tree!" I called over to him, seeing how he was farther behind. One could assume he was avoiding me or maybe even too afraid to approach.

"What? And can you stop calling me that?! My name is Dipper; I've been telling you that for years," he responded, slowly floating over towards me, still keeping his distance. What does he have to be so afraid of? It's not like I can do anything to him like this.

"And I know your name isn't Dipper. But since you insist I don't call you your real name, I'm calling you what you are: the Pine Tree." I pointed to his hat on top my head, referring to his destinated symbol.

"Whatever," he groaned. "What do you want from me?"

"Just for you to go up and see if there's anything in this forest," I said, pointing up to the sky. Pine Tree's eyes followed.

With a sigh, he floated up above the trees, looking around. His eyes scanned over beyond my sight slowly, turning about phase. I tapped my foot as I waited, watching him scan the area. He came back down a few minutes later.

"There seems to be a village up ahead. If we hurry we could get there in about an hour," he explained, pointing north, down the path.

"Great! Let's go!" With that, I kept walking forward, my hands behind my back.

The sun was setting, quickly disappearing behind the horizon. The trees were silhouetted as their shadows crawled up until they were shrouded in black. The sky turned black, ascending onto the purple and orange sunset until the colors were invaded by darkness. The whole world had been covered in an ominous shroud of night. Only the luminous yellow of my eyes shone through the dark as we continued our ascent.

I looked back every once and a while to see Pine Tree floating about ten feet away from me, sometimes a bit farther. At one point, I came to a stop, making him halt promptly. I started walking closer to him, only for him to float back.

"Honestly Pine Tree, this is ridiculous. What'dya think I'll do? Shove jalapeño peppers in your ghost eyes?" I howled in laughter, clutching my midsection.

"No. What if you, I don't know, break my limbs right in front of me?"

I sighed, walking over to him. "Oh Pine Tree, how you amuse me so! If I were to break a leg or two, then how would I get us out of this forest?"

"Well," he asked, confused. Is he really that dense?

"Why, of course, us! I need you to get me out of this forest. Besides, you're an important part of my big plan."

"Didn't you say the last time you possessed me that I was getting in your way?" he rebutted.

"Yes, but now I need you to get me out of here," I explained. He gripped his chin and looked up to the sky thoughtfully.

"Fair point." With that settled, we proceeded onward. Pine Tree was a bit more comfortable around me now than before. He floated right next to be as we went further and further, following the trail.

Soon enough, we reached a grove, pumpkins growing on every square inch of land. I pulled a fork out of my pocket and walked up to one of the fruits. Stabbing the fork into the skin, I carved out two triangular eyes, nose, and mouth before putting my head inside.

"These bleed really well," I exclaimed, proceeding down the path.

When we got to the village, I heard Pine Tree gasp. Horror was prominent in his tone, showing his fright of whatever stood in his field of vision. I eagerly took the pumpkin off my head, excited to see the cause of Pine Tree's fright.

The whole village was covered in ice. And not the kind that came from a snow storm. Jagged shards of ice extruded from the ground, covering the buildings and piles of vegetables. A bit of snow littered the earth as well.

"Well this is interesting," I commented.

We started going through the village, looking around the frozen chaos. The ice wasn't melting, despite it still being warm. Perhaps this was magic? I may not use it, but I know a thing or two about it. I walked up to a small wall of ice covering one of the homes, laying my hand on it. It was, of course, freezing, but wasn't harming me. Now what could've done this?

"Bill!" I looked over to see Pine Tree floating by a large shack. Going over, I opened the doors to find more vegetables on the floor. In the center was a giant pumpkin atop of large blades of grass. The pumpkin moved, showing its carved-out face.

"Ah, thank goodness! A traveler! Welcome to the village of Pottsfield," it spoke.

"Heya! Name's Bi-," Pine Tree jabbed me in the side, interrupting me.

"Don't say your name, you idiot!" I groaned quietly, avoiding the possibility of attracting too much attention.

"My name's Bipper," I said. "So, what happened here?" I asked, spreading my arms to refer to the ice and snow. "A little warm for ice, huh?"

He lowered himself cowardly. "Oh, it was terrible. A young man of blue came to our village, bearing a crown upon his head. He summoned the ice and snow onto our village!"

I rest my hand on my chin. "Really? That's...interesting."

So this is just something that I've come up with and wanted to make into a story. I love the Bad End Friends and yet there is practically no fanfiction on them...makes me sad. I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far, and another chapter is in the works as we speak.

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